Game Update January 2024



Happy New Year! May 2024 be a great year for all who read this.


Actinate and I have wanted to give a brief update on the State of the Game!


We are continuing our rebalancing of the game and making progress inbetween the turmoil that is “Real Life” and what the unfortunate events in 2020 caused for many of us. Progress has been made but a bit slower than we’d like. For 2024, there is more of a concentrated effort to finish what we started and eventually get back to RPing and being able to better support RP in general!


This is our tentative plan for 2024 for major projects:

  1. Continue adjusting the 4 base classes (Fighter, Mage, Cleric, and Rogue) with a larger rewrite.
  2. Convert the remaining classes to use the new Damage Tier System that was piloted in the Solar Magus Class. This will fix many of the issues with the other classes.
  3. Introduce the Cosmic Herald class (currently in design).
  4. Adjust and re-release the Arcanist class.
  5. Create a new progression system that will replace the Master Specs, likely the Evo System, and LAS. With the goal in supporting unique off-shoots for players easier. These systems mentioned are large projects and given our limited resources it is unrealistic to really implement them (eg: 10 master specs for each class where each master spec has 3 sub-specs of 15 abilities each). As we get closer more information will be released.


Of course, there will be additional smaller changes and we must adjust accordingly but those are the big projects we’d hope to hit in order to shift to RP full time. We really want to make sure the game is in a solid mechanical state before diving deep into RP.


Thank you for playing and your continued support to ATS! It is a pleasure to have you here!

Day and Act

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