Record Data
Also known as: 7th Age, Wras II Mas-gen’lca
Estimated time: 90,000-85,000 yrs
Religion: Unknown.
Record Details
The following is only but some of the events that took place during this Age. As new records are discovered information may be modified, added or removed.
North Kel-sith
- Great Arcane and Political Intrigue occurs in Eridan by a combination of suspected meddling by the factions within the city-state and spies from the Kai’vivorian Empire. This causes a massive schism where Eridan erupts in a civil war which spills onto the surrounding kingdoms.
- The Kai’vivorian Empire invades Eridan and occupies it, citing “Protection Reasons”. Many Mages flee at the 11th hour and trek towards Mysera. The conflict escalates and Vanyelar mobilizes for war, along with lesser Human Kingdoms: Olean, and Kingsland (northwest of Vanyelar).
- Great advancements in the Arcane element occur forming a new practitioner of Magic: Arcanist. The three leading Arcanists are Akarinus, Zrakium, the Grand Arcanist, and the female Indago Naru’lleq. These three unleash their magics in such a destructive force that all who bare witness to them are shaken to the core.
- At this time, North Kel-sith is roughly 33% larger than it is in the 14th Age, but this quickly changes as war rages full on. In one such instance a crazed and rogue Mage from Eridan, named Gallent, rips portions of the North-South Kel-sith land-bridge and hurls it northward, devastating the most northern portions of the Kai’vivorian Empire. He is eventually caught, tortured and transformed into a grotesque mutated slave-Mage of the Empire.
- Sections of North Kel-sith sink into the sea due to the instability in the earth.
- The Kai’vivorian Empire counter attacks, and unleashes a secret weapon, a cannon fueled by the blood of Indagos, upon their enemies. This cannon begins scorching the southern kingdoms: Kingsland is completely vaporized; its capitol city simply ceases to exist. Olean’s surrounding lands is burnt, knocking it out of the war. Vanyelar is forced to surrender; King Borland IV is executed.
- The Kai’vivorian Empire then turns their sights to South Kel-sith, thinking the Amphorians and the City of Ema will come to assist the struggling Human Kingdoms. They begin firing the cannon south. However shortly after, it runs out of power and becomes dormant.
- A stalemate occurs on the North-South Kel-sith land bridge between the Empire and the Kingdoms of South Kel-sith.
- Eventually, the Kai’vivorian Empire constructs mobile versions of their cannons and use magic-adept slaves as fuel. They begin vaporizing thousands of soldiers at the North-Soth Kel-sith land bridge. Many more magical weapons are created and used without restraint.
- When the world seemed to be on the brink of destruction, the first recorded appearance of The Tempest is noted. A female warrior surrounded by misty-spirits leads a single and final battle with the armies of City of Ema, Sul-angue, and Varconians against the Kai’vivorian Empire, shattering its entire force and effectively ending the war.
- The Kai’vivorian Empire retains full control of North Kel-sith, as both sides are no longer able to apply pressure.
South Kel-sith
- The war in North Kel-sith becomes a full-on continental war as the magical destruction begins to ravage the northern shores of South Kel-sith: the land bridge. The land bridge which is a thousand miles wide, is up-heaved and tossed north to be used as a weapon. This act reduces it to a mere 10 miles. After, the lands are bombarded by a magical super weapon by the Kai’vivorian Empire: burning vast swathes of plains and Jungle.
- The Triumvirate, Grand Cokia, and Varconian Tribal Leaders make a temporary alliance, muster their armies and march north. The thousand mile land bridge is now only ten and is the site of a brutal and never ending grinder of arcane and steel death.
- Eventually, the Kai’vivorian Empire constructs mobile machines and uses magic-adept slaves as fuel. They begin vaporizing thousands of soldiers at the North-Soth Kel-sith land bridge. Many more magical weapons are created and used without restraint.
- When the world seemed to be on the brink of destruction, the first recorded appearance of The Tempest is noted. A female warrior surrounded by misty-spirits leads a single and final battle with the armies of City of Ema, Sul-angue, and Varconians against the Kai’vivorian Empire, shattering its entire force and effectively ending the war.
- The Kai’vivorian Empire retains full control of North Kel-sith, as both sides are no longer able to apply pressure.
- While North and South Kel-sith’s erupts into a full on continental war, the FMA and Denual supplies both sides with various materials for war. This makes both parties extremely wealthy and stockpile massive amounts of gold.
- The FMA forms a small city-state, called Faro-shee, and begins to further impart it’s influence among the world. A small armed protective force is formed.
- Several hundred Mages make their way to Denual, seeking refuge from war and prosecution by the Kai’vivorian Empire.
- There are no major developments during this Age and the land is mostly wild and filled with mystery.
- Captain Xandose becomes obsessed with Demons and sails off into the Shorverne Ocean, looking for the legendary Forgotten Gate. He is never seen from again.
- Reports of trading posts on Eastern Lon’gordia vanishing is noted. The Grand Master of the FMA travels there to assess the situation himself. Legend is that the Grand Master is eaten by a fifteen foot badger as it demolishes the main port before being put down by a cadre of Dwarves.
- Denual, the FMA, and Dwarves form a new city from a trading port, called Orethyst, in hopes it will have a better chance to survive the badger infestation.
- As time passes, hunting Badgers becomes a great sport for the local populace and a test of dwarven-hood.
- The Treloria and Dwarves enter into several armed conflicts over resources surrounding their homeland. It does not escalate as the Dwarves are occupied with the construction of Orethyst.
- There are no major developments during this Age and the land is mostly wild and filled with mystery.