While Clerics fill the role of the priests, clergy and shepherding of the common folk, Templars carry out the more…active roles required. While they are not recognized as an official militant group, there are indeed, several sub organizations that exist. These Templars carry out the protection of the temples that are present around the world, as well as provide duties for escorts and personal protection for high ranking Church officials. On rare occasions, Templars will be called together to crusade against some cause. In particular, Undead, Evil and Necromancy is a common crusade. At times, the Arcane Order has hired a platoon of Templars to cleanse ancient tombs teeming with undead.
Templars also struggle with the virtues of life: good, neutral and evil. They are able to unleash powerful attacks or defenses based on their level of virtue, which is initially granted by their Entity they follow. It is an internal struggle, and one that each Templar must deal with.
Templars serve as a Tank and AoE DPS against evil and undead creatures.
Note: Templars are not considered high DPS but can do good AoE DPS against evil and undead creatures.
Role Play Opportunities
A Tempest Season offers many unique opportunities for Templars. They are the might of the religious Entities. Players and NPCs will flock around the Templar during dismal times, when evil and undead strike, for they are an exceptional defensive class. Templars also are known to go on crusaders against evil or a particular individual for crimes against their religion. The Templar will often try to subdue (if not outright evil) their target and bring them to justice. If outright evil, certain death is sought.
On rare occasions (exemplary role play) their Entity may visit the Templar.
To learn more about the Entities(Gods) that currently exist, see this page: The Five Entities
Unique Game Play Systems
Templars have three unique game play systems: Virtues, Blade Chains, and Favors.
Templars harness virtue to unleash powers from their weapon, generally a sword or mace. There are three alignments the Templar can be: Good, Neutral or Evil. Each alignment offers four different virtues. A Tempest Season offers Neutral Based alignments with something of substance instead of a simple blend of Good and Evil abilities. Neutrals have a set of unique Neutral only abilities!
Using a virtue from an alignment causes the Templar to shift in that direction. For example, using evil virtues will cause the Templar to become more evil – gaining access to powerful evil attacks but losing the balanced neutral and restorative good virtues.
To see how to use virtues, please visit this page: Using Virtues
On top of gaining new abilities, the Templar’s weapon will have a specific aura and title based on their current alignment and their damage type will change.
They are as follows:
Alignment | Title | Weapon Aura | Damage Type |
Good | the Divine Protector | White | Holy |
Neutral | the Justicar | Gray | Neutral |
Evil | the Dark Knight | Black | Evil |
All three damage types are considered Holy damage.
There are five Entities that overlook the world of Eihydia each set a starting alignment:
Empathy(GOOD) – The Entity of love and care for others.
Perseverance(NEUTRAL) – The Entity that signifies the will to live and strive.
Apathy(NEUTRAL) – This Entity only cares about their followers and no one else.
Obscurity(NEUTRAL) – An Entity that hides in the shadows and uses ways of stealth.
Iniquity(EVIL) – The Entity that stands for death and evil.
To see your current virtue level, type religionVirtues By Alignment
The following is a listing of all virtues granted for each alignment:
Good Virtues
Name | Required Alignment | Description |
Veneration Blade | 1 or higher | Starts an ability chain of holy blade attacks! |
Conviction | 33 or higher | Conviction places a holy ward on the target that absorbs damage for a short time. |
Righteousness | 85 or higher | Righteousness deals long ranged holy damage based on wisdom to a target and restores heal over time to the Templar. |
Resurrection | 100 | Resurrection restores the target back to life with 1 health. They are stunned for 20 seconds. This is a very intensive virtue and the Templar suffers a very high delay. In addition, it can only be used once per three days. |
Neutral Virtues
Name | Required Alignment | Description |
Fervor Blade | -100 to 100 | Starts an ability chain of holy blade attacks!
Important! Note: Using this ability will allow you to return to a neutral alignment/virtue. If you wish to stay Evil or Good, DO NOT USE this ability!Important! This ability helps changing out of a neutral alignment, see below. |
Cleanse | -15 to 15 | Cleanse removes all hostile debuffs from the Templar and places a short term attack and defense buff on the Templar. |
Assurance | -1 to 1 | Assurance adds a portion of your chest piece armor to the target and raises both of your defenses. |
Reclaim Soul | -1 to 1 | Reclaim Soul drains stamina from all non-grouped members in the room and restores the Templars stamina. It also places an affect on all non-grouped members in the room which restores the health of the Templar’s group by a small % when the target is killed. |
Evil Virtues
Name | Required Alignment | Description |
Doom Blade | -1 or lower | Starts an ability chain of holy blade attacks! |
Terrorize | -33 or lower | Terrorize places a short term debuff on the target which causes moderate damage when it expires. It also places a short term buff on the Templar which restores a percentage of the Templar’s health when it expires. |
Tormented Cloak | -85 or lower | Tormented Cloak places a powerful damage shield on the Templar for a short duration. It also obscures your physical form when looked at. |
Agony | -100 | Agony deals 50% of the Templar’s health to the target. There is a 10% chance the damage is doubled. The Templar takes 50% in health damage. Warning! Note: If you are UNDER 50% health YOU WILL DIE USING THIS VIRTUE! |
Changing Alignment
The alignment change for Templars is not something that occurs easily or on a constant basis but is possible with some time and effort.
To change alignment, there are several ways depending on the Templar’s current alignment.
Currently Good or Evil
If the Templar is currently good or evil, the easiest way is to use Fervor Blade. This will quickly change alignment towards 0(Neutral).
You WILL lose access to any high leveled Good or Evil virtues. Plan accordingly!
Currently Neutral
If the Templar is currently Neutral, with a virtue of 0, it is slightly harder to shift.
While using Fervor Blade and with a current virtue of 0, there is a small chance(5%) that the alignment will shift +1 or -1. When this shifts occurs, a choice must be made to continue in that direction.
For example, if you wish to become Evil, you will need to wait until -1 occurs, and this will allow usage of Doom Blade – which eventually leads to becoming evil.
If +1 was given, it is advisable to use Fervor Blade again, to lower the Virtue back to 0.
If neutral alignment is desired, use Fervor Blade to lower the virtue back to 0.
Ability Chains
Templars can chain together their blade skills to do various effects during battle. Each virtue has 6 blade attacks each.
Upon starting the chain, the game will inform you what abilities can be used next.
For example, typing unleash venerationblade stalker will begin a chain.
This would then allow the player to type the next ability such as:
salvation stalker
There is no need to type unleash salvationblade stalker. The game automatically assumes your next action!Blade Chains
The following blade chains exist for the three alignments.
Good Blade Attacks
Good Blade Attacks focus on providing healing and extra defense to your party.
Good | Level | Chain # | Description |
Veneration Blade | 1 | Starts Chain | Deals holy damage to the target based on the Templar’s strength and heals the Templar slightly. |
Salvation Blade | 15 | 1 | Deals holy damage to the target and heals the group. |
Block Blade | 15 | 1 | Deals holy damage to the target and increases block chance. Restores health of the Templar when attacked. |
Evil Bastion Blade | 50 | 2 | Deals holy damage to the target and increases damage mitigation against evil and undead creatures. |
Rejuvenation Blade | 100 | 3 | Deals holy damage to the target and restores 5% health when blocking attacks. |
Purge Blade | 100 | 3 | Deals massive holy damage to the target (more to evil and undead targets). |
Neutral Blade Attacks
Neutral Blade Attacks focus on providing utility to your party.
Neutral | Level | Chain # | Description |
Fervor Blade | 1 | Starts Chain | Deals neutral holy damage to the target based on the Templar’s strength and places a short term attack and defense buff on the Templar.
Important! Note: Using this ability will allow you to return to a neutral alignment/virtue. If you wish to stay Evil or Good, DO NOT USE this ability!Important! This ability helps changing out of a neutral alignment, see below. |
Justice Blade | 15 | 1 | Deals neutral holy damage to the target and stuns them for a short time. |
Sentence Blade | 15 | 1 | Deals neutral holy damage to all enemy targets and forces them to attack the Templar for a short time. |
Undaunted Blade | 51 | 2 | Deals neutral holy damage to the target and increases knock down resistance and chance against evil and undead creatures for a short time. |
Decisive Blade | 100 | 3 | Deals neutral holy damage to the target and lowers the ability cost of the group for a short time. |
Persecution Blade | 100 | 3 | Deals neutral holy damage to the target and greatly increases the risk of the target. |
Evil Blade Attacks
Evil Blade Attacks focus on dealing massive damage to your enemies.
Evil | Level | Chain # | Description |
Doom Blade | 1 | Starts Chain | Deals evil holy damage to the target based on the Templar’s strength and has a small chance to cause additional massive damage. |
Sickness Blade | 15 | 1 | Deals evil holy damage to the target and greatly lowers a random attribute for a short time. |
Torment Blade | 15 | 1 | Deals evil holy damage to the target and places a long term damage over time affect on the target. |
Slayer Blade | 50 | 2 | Deals evil holy damage to the target and increases the Templars damage against evil and undead creatures for a short time. |
Misery Blade | 100 | 3 | Deals massive evil holy damage to all targets in the room and knocks them down. |
Soul Blade | 100 | 3 | Deals massive evil holy damage to the target and drains a portion of their life. |
Being smart about what chained blade skills are used can quickly turn the tide of battle in your favor!Training Ability Chains
All blade skills in the ability chain benefit from training the initial ability (Veneration Blade for Good, Fervor Blade for Neutral, and Doom Blade for Evil).
Templars use Favor to unleash their virtues. Favors are restored each minute to the Templar and they only have a limited amount of them. They must choose wisely in order to stay effective during combat. It is a simple and challenging yet rewarding system to play.
Special Attacks
Templars have access to their Virtue Attacks.
Templars do double damage vs all Undead and Evil monsters.
Some of the basic specializations the Templars has access to at level 25 are:
Harbinger of Truth
The Templar who seeks the truth in the world is often times accompanied by followers. It is due to this, they often are called the Harbinger of Truth and excel at defending their devotees. Templars develop unique and powerful abilities that force enemies to attack them and provide defenses to their allies.
Deistic Sanctuary
While proficient at shields, Templars can further their expertise by devoting much time and energy to the subtle and less known techniques in shield blocking. By mastering these, the Templar is able to make their shield an extension of their own body. This gained skill is much needed while crusading against powerful undead and evil monsters that walk the earth.
Ancient Wrath
The obscurity of the past clouds our vision,
From the true faith that we once followed.
A darkness overcomes us all, consuming all…
There is only an ancient ritual that can relinquish us from this evil.
To once more, follow the true gods…
It is the Ancient Wrath.
With might and fury, the Wrath will once more cleanse those who have become tainted.
The Ancient Wrath specialization is for Templars who want more offensive combat capability.
To see all abilities this class receives click here: Templar Abilities
They have a 10% resistance to being knocked down in combat.
Preferred Races
Humans, Dwarves, Varconian, and Amphorians
analyze, unleash, religion, virtues