
Council of the Faithful @ Memorial Hill
Jan 24 @ 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm

To all of Tralisia’s faithful:

At my end of my sermon, multiple individuals brought up the idea of a forming a council for the faithful of the Entities as well as the faithful of other beliefs. This idea has been brought up before, but thus far no council has been formed. I would like to hold an initial meeting to understand whether such a council would benefit Tralisia’s people and the faithful.

I have proposed a few topics of discussion below, but welcome any suggestions.

  • What should the aims of this Council be?
  • How could the city and the faithful benefit from working together?
  • Should the Council partake in joint research activities for the benefit of the faithful?
  • What topics/decisions are barred from the Council?
  • Which faiths will be represented, and by how many individuals per faith?
  • If there is no cleric, shaman, or templar for a given faith, can anyone else represent the faith in the short term?


If you cannot attend in person, do not wish to attend in person, or would like to submit your views anonymously, please reach out to me privately before the meeting.

Dwunar’s Essence Extraction – Save the Varconian @ Hall of Elements
Jan 26 @ 9:00 pm – 11:00 pm

The Magic users of the city shall attempt to extract (in a safe and humane manner) the essence from Dwunar, and revert him back to normal!


Will they succeed? Will Dwunar become normal once more? We shall see!

Dragon Hunt @ Dragon Sanctuary - Charter
Feb 4 @ 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm

The dragons will gather for their bi-weekly hunt! Many prey will be slain and we shall become THE DRAGON!

Meeting of Wilds @ Ranger Camp, east of Tralisia
Feb 15 @ 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Gleebuck Gloryseek, Fiendslayer, He Who Perseveres, Gremlin Paragon, wishes to convene with like-minded individuals concerned with Ranging, hunting, and general outdoorsmanship upon the [15th of February, 2020, 6 PM PST] within the Ranger Camp near the eastern gate of Tralisia. The subject of this meeting shall be the utter taming and subjugation of the Silent Wood, to both permit expansion and ring the names of those so immortalized in Doing down throughout history. Mr. Gloryseek graciously permits those wishing to add themselves to the story of his deeds an opportunity to prove themselves worthy of being mentioned alongside him and looks forward to meeting those so intrigued.

Trellene Wealhollow, cleric of Perseverence, did pen this on the 32nd day of Lumigaia in the year 305 as the scribe of Master Ranger Gleebuck Gloryseek.

Dragon Hunt @ Dragon Sanctuary - Charter
Feb 18 @ 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm

The dragons will gather for their bi-weekly hunt! Many prey will be slain and we shall become THE DRAGON!

Second Faith Council Meeting @ Center of Memorial Hill
Feb 22 @ 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Creation of a charter for the faith council that delineates roles, rules, membership, meeting cadence and one or two initial projects. Seeking clerics for each Entity, as well as a shaman to represent the Pagri. Additionally, those marked of Entities can attend in lieu of a cleric.

Harper’s Custom Clothing Peddle @ Mayhem and Co.
Feb 24 @ 9:00 pm – Mar 7 @ 11:00 pm

The one and only, the inimitable, the idealistic, the ironic and sometimes idiotic trader and tailor, Harper Flint, has extended their visit for a week and will be in town until the 7th! If you can’t seem to find them, ask around to see if you can make an appointment!

During that week, Harper will take up residence at Mayhem & Co to help fulfill your apparel desires. Big or small, fancy or plain, black or white, bold or blase, Harper will either create it or source it from across the seas! If you’ve been looking for that certain shirt the shops back home had or something new and different, be sure to ask Harper to get it for you while they’re here! Hours will be at Harper’s whim during the week!


(Use Tells (Dayrinni or Harper), Oracle, Discord, or the Forums to set up an appointment)

Sermon Of Sin @ Temple of Iniquity
Feb 28 @ 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm

The Faithful Isabeau Durand will be holding a Sermon of Sin on this coming evening! All are welcome to sit and listen to Iniquity’s teachings.

Dragon Hunt @ Dragon Sanctuary - Charter
Mar 3 @ 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm

The dragons will gather for their bi-weekly hunt! Many prey will be slain and we shall become THE DRAGON!

Arcane Council @ Hall of Elements
Mar 15 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

The Arcane Council, chaired by the Arch Mage, in Tralisia will have a meeting to discuss various topics:
Perform the extraction of Dwunar’s essence mutations! Dwunar appears to have another entity or being inside of him. The Arch Mage has a theory where if Dwunar is drained of majority of his essence, this being may be removed or extinguished. A protective dome shall be constructed to contain this being. The previous Dome exploded but this new Dome shall be more resilient!

All Arcane Order members are welcomed to attend.
(This means all Mages, Wizards, and Arcanists)