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Ethari Abilities

Last Updated: 8/1/20 2:37 PM


Astral Flame

Astral Explosion

Classes and Levels: Ethari(70)

School: Astral Flame (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate astralexplosion <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“We pull at the fabric of the Infinite by simply existing. The sun, the stars, and the void
– all are there for our minds to admire and simultaneously to attain. We merely know a
fraction of the power it can bestow upon those who can unravel the threads: the Infinite

Astral Explosion (victims in the room):
deals astral flame damage based on wisdom (becomes more powerful with character level)
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) deals astral flame damage based on wisdom over time, for
a short length of time (+potency, +duration),
a 25% base chance to (if telepathy is equal to High) deal provide instant death to a single
or weaker undead target or damage to stronger undead target,
a 25% base chance to increase set(s) fly height to 20ft for a short length of time
(+potency, +chance), and
(if telepathy is equal to Low) decreases delay for a short length of time.(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, duration – length of effect, chance – chance of
failure/success, reuse – length of ability cooldown


Burning Conscious

Classes and Levels: Ethari(80)

School: Astral Flame (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate burningconscious <target> – executes the ability on the target(SingleNotSelf)

“Ignite their minds with the Astral Flame and expand their horizons!”

Burning Conscious (single ally):
applies the following when successfully attacked to (single ally):
deals astral flame damage (+potency) (+duration) and allows player to see in the dark for a
medium length of time (+duration).(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, duration – length of effect, reuse – length of ability


Eonic Flare

Classes and Levels: Ethari(3)

School: Astral Flame (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate eonicflare <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“I command such powerful mental energies that I do not abide by the rules of reality. I can
flare my mind out into the void and release eons of charged energy capable of rendering
your entire civilization a desolate wasteland. But…this fate of yours can be avoided by
simply submitting to our rule.”

Eonic Flare (single victim): deals astral flame damage based on wisdom (becomes more
powerful with character level) (+potency)

Additionally (ethari elf), it increases critical attacks by 50% for the next 1 trigger or
until the effect dissipates (+potency).

Additionally(single victim), it (if telepathy is equal to Low) decreases critical damage
mitigation by 50%

Additionally(self victim), it (if telepathy is equal to High)
applies the following on your successful attacks to (single victim):
deals astral flame damage (becomes more powerful with character level) for the next 5

Additionally(grouped allies), it (if telepathy is equal to Medium) increases critical
attacks by 50% for the next 3 triggers or until the effect dissipates.(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, reuse – length of ability cooldown



Classes and Levels: Ethari(29)

School: Astral Flame (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate teleferno

“Behold! The burning of the astral flame granted to me by the Infinite Mind!”

Teleferno (victims in the room):
deals astral flame damage based on wisdom (becomes more powerful with character level)
(if telepathy is equal to Low) deals astral flame damage based on wisdom over time, for a
short length of time (becomes more powerful with character level) (+potency),
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) decreases damage mitigation by 33% for a short length of
time, and
(if telepathy is equal to High) root(can’t move) for a short length of time.(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, reuse – length of ability cooldown


Torched Lucidity

Classes and Levels: Ethari(12)

School: Astral Flame (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate torchedlucidity <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“With no remorse, I will reach into mind and burn away your lucidity…”

Torched Lucidity (single victim): deals mental damage based on wisdom over time, for a
short length of time (becomes more powerful with character level) (+potency).

Additionally(non-player engaged victims in the room), it
(if telepathy is equal to Low) deals mental damage based on wisdom over time, for a short length of time (becomes more powerful with character level) (+potency),
(if target is affected by Torched Lucidity High DoT (TH) and has telepathy of Medium.) deals mental damage based on wisdom over time, for a short length of time (becomes more powerful with character level) (+potency), and
(if target is affected by Torched Lucidity DoT and has telepathy of High.) deals mental damage based on wisdom over time, for a short length of time (becomes more powerful with character level) (+potency). (-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, reuse – length of ability cooldown



Clairsentient Burst

Classes and Levels: Ethari(100)

School: Clairsentience (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate clairsentientburst begin – begins to burst in this area.

“Their very life force shall be their down fall! This will put the final rebellion down
once and for all…”

Clairsentient Burst (ethari elf): bursts in the area, setting up various auras which allows
action for new affects when the aura is activated (number of rooms bursted, -reuse). The
Ethari receives a burst of clarity immediately for a short time. The type of burst depends
on if a target is aggressive, evil, or undead. There is a 10% chance a random burst will
appear regardless of target type. Due to the difficult nature of performing an area wide
burst, it will not be clear what an aura does until activated.

Aggressive: 20% AE Damage(capped for larger monsters at 1,000 damage).
Evil: -100 Risk.
Undead: Activator receives a 20% Debuff to Ability Use (Ethari should not tinker with undead!).

In addition, each aura has a chance to cause instant insanity and increases insanity
generation, and restores some PSI energy.

reuse – length of ability cooldown


Festering Doubt

Classes and Levels: Ethari(50)

School: Clairsentience (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate festeringdoubt <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“Why not let their lack of confidence be their own downfall? We only need…to bring them
to the surface…”

Festering Doubt (single victim):
increases prevent(s) NPCs from using special attacks by 100% for a short length of time
increases delay for a short length of time (+duration), and
decreases damage done by 4% for a short length of time (+potency, +duration)

Additionally (ethari elf), it restores telepathy energy.

Additionally(grouped allies), it
(if telepathy is equal to Low) decreases ability cost by 25% for the next 1 trigger or until the effect dissipates,
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) current reuse time by a percent, and
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) current reuse time by a percent. (-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, duration – length of effect, reuse – length of ability


Future Sight

Classes and Levels: Ethari(65)

School: Clairsentience (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate futuresight <target> – executes the ability on the target(SingleNotSelf)

“For some reason, the future is bleak and we are…simply no longer present… This must
incorrect. We will always exist and rule Eihydia!”

Future Sight (single ally):
increases attack rating for a short length of time (+potency, +duration),
increases accuracy rating (reduces auto and critical melee misses) and slightly modifies
attack rating for a short length of time (+potency, +duration), and
increases critical attacks by 50% for a short length of time (+potency, +duration).(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, duration – length of effect, reuse – length of ability


Looming Dread

Classes and Levels: Ethari(17)

School: Clairsentience (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate loomingdread <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“For some, they are haunted by a dread that hangs over them. It makes them completely
rendered useless. Such a simple yet effective tactic to terminate any malcontent.”

Looming Dread (single victim):
deals mental damage based on wisdom upon expiration, for a short length of time (becomes
more powerful with character level) (+potency, -duration),
deals mental damage based on wisdom upon expiration, for a short length of time (becomes
more powerful with character level) (+potency, -duration),
root(can’t move) for a short length of time,
(if telepathy is equal to Low) decreases defense rating for a medium length of time, and
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) decreases damage mitigation by 25% for the next 1 trigger
or until the effect dissipates.

Additionally(non-player engaged victims in the room), it (if telepathy is equal to High)
root(can’t move) for a short length of time.(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, duration – length of effect, reuse – length of ability


Past Ties

Classes and Levels: Ethari(13)

School: Clairsentience (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate pastties <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“In the silence of the cold mind is where past memories lie. Year by year the darkness
covers them, shielding a fragile psyche from further degradation. Being propped up on false
trepidations from society, while the curse only lies in the Cold Mind. We shall rip these
past ties from their depths and use it to fuel either their eternal domination or if they
refuse to submit, their complete destruction.”

Past Ties (single victim):

Additionally (ethari elf), it restores telepathy energy.

Additionally(grouped allies), it
decreases ability cooldown time for a short length of time (+duration),
decreases risk (+potency),
(if telepathy is equal to Low) increases critical attacks by 33% for a short length of time,
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) increases accuracy rating (reduces auto and critical melee misses) and slightly modifies attack rating for a short length of time,
(if telepathy is equal to High) increases damage done by 33% for a short length of time, and
(if telepathy is equal to High) increases damage mitigation by 33% for a short length of time. (-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, duration – length of effect, reuse – length of ability



Parallel Movements

Classes and Levels: Ethari(50)

School: Clairvoyance (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate parallelmovements <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“It’s simple: If they will not submit, then we shall make copies which will.”

…years in the future…

“They…they are coming! We cannot stop them!”


“The parallels! The copies! They are killing everyone!”

Parallel Movements (single victim):
deals mental damage based on wisdom over time, for a short length of time (becomes more
powerful with character level) (+potency),
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) deals mental damage based on wisdom (becomes more
powerful with character level),
makes a copy of the NPC somewhere else in the area that contains double experience and loot
upon expiration, for a short length of time, and
(if telepathy is equal to Low) increases delay for a short length of time.

Additionally(non-player engaged victims in the room), it (if telepathy is equal to High)
deals mental damage based on wisdom (becomes more powerful with character level).(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, reuse – length of ability cooldown



Classes and Levels: Ethari(35)

School: Clairvoyance (Psionic)

Syntax: automatic

“How can to hope to succeed when we have already seen your fate?”

Precognition (automatic): increases critical chance mitigation by 12% (+potency).

Additionally(self ally), it
applies the following when successfully attacked to (self):
has a 25% base chance to increase auto dodge by 3% for a short length of time (+potency, +duration, +chance) and
applies the following when successfully attacked to (self):
has a 25% base chance to decrease risk (+potency, +chance).

potency – damage/effectiveness, duration – length of effect, chance – chance of



Classes and Levels: Ethari(11)

School: Clairvoyance (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate scry <target> – executes the ability on the target(SingleNotSelf)

“We see everything, we hear everything, we know everything.”

“They…they are coming! We shall stop them. It is our right.”

Scry (single ally): has a 50% base chance to view location (+chance).(-reuse)

chance – chance of failure/success, reuse – length of ability cooldown


Shadow Vision

Classes and Levels: Ethari(19)

School: Clairvoyance (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate shadowvision

“You can’t hide in the shadows from me!”

“May these shadows protect me. They are all I have left now they have come and we are
falling…one by one…”

Shadow Vision (ethari elf): detects hidden players and npcs for a short length of time
(+duration) and detects invisible players and npcs for a short length of time (+duration).(-reuse)

duration – length of effect, reuse – length of ability cooldown


Vision Shroud

Classes and Levels: Ethari(33)

School: Clairvoyance (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate visionshroud

“We are the shadows. We will strike from everywhere and nowhere.”

“Quick! The Vision Shroud! We must retreat before it is too late!”

Vision Shroud (grouped allies): detects invisible players and npcs for a short length of
time (+duration) and provides invisibility for a short length of time (+duration).(-reuse)

duration – length of effect, reuse – length of ability cooldown



Armor: Chain

Classes and Levels: ARC(1), CLR(1), EXP(1), FIG(1), MAG(1), ROG(1), TMP(1), AGT(1), BLD(1), RNG(1), WIZ(1), MKT(1), NMR(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), ETH(1), NON(1)

School: Combat (Skill)

Syntax: automatic

This skill represents the wearers ability to effectively use said armor. While anyone can
wear armor, it does take training and experience to use it to the maximum capability.

Armor: Chain (automatic): has a 75% base chance to increase defense rating and lowers
hindrance while wearing chain chest armor (+potency, +chance).

potency – damage/effectiveness, chance – chance of failure/success


Armor: Leather

Classes and Levels: ARC(1), CLR(1), EXP(1), FIG(1), MAG(1), ROG(1), TMP(1), AGT(1), BLD(1), RNG(1), WIZ(1), MKT(1), NMR(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), ETH(1), NON(1)

School: Combat (Skill)

Syntax: automatic

This skill represents the wearers ability to effectively use said armor. While anyone can
wear armor, it does take training and experience to use it to the maximum capability.
Leather armor offers the least protection but more evasion bonuses.

Leather armor comes with an inherent bonus in dodging special attacks from NPCs.

Armor: Leather (automatic): has a 75% base chance to increase defense rating and lowers
hindrance while wearing leather chest armor (+potency, +chance).

potency – damage/effectiveness, chance – chance of failure/success


Armor: Plate

Classes and Levels: ARC(1), CLR(1), EXP(1), FIG(1), MAG(1), ROG(1), TMP(1), AGT(1), BLD(1), RNG(1), WIZ(1), MKT(1), NMR(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), ETH(1), NON(1)

School: Combat (Skill)

Syntax: automatic

This skill represents the wearers ability to effectively use said armor. While anyone can
wear armor, it does take training and experience to use it to the maximum capability. Plate
offers the wearer more protection but with penalties to movement and stamina use.

Plate armor receives a bonus in avoiding wounds but at the cost of traveling less distance
per move.

Armor: Plate (automatic): has a 75% base chance to increase defense rating and lowers
hindrance while wearing plate chest armor (+potency, +chance).

potency – damage/effectiveness, chance – chance of failure/success


Defensive Maneuvers

Classes and Levels: ARC(1), CLR(1), EXP(1), FIG(1), MAG(1), ROG(1), TMP(1), AGT(1), BLD(1), RNG(1), WIZ(1), MKT(1), NMR(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), ETH(1), NON(1)

School: Combat (Skill)

Syntax: automatic

Defensive Maneuvers is the skill that is used for defense. It consists of dodging, shield
block and parrying. In order to use your shield or your weapon to parry you must have a
shield or weapon equipped. Weapons that are used for parrying increase your defenses.
Certain weapons add more to your defenses then others. Shields raise your defenses but also
subtract from your attack. It is harder to attack while hiding behind a large and bulky
shield. In addition to this shields also have a low chance to automatically block an
incoming attack, both melee and magical.

Defensive Maneuvers (automatic): increases defense rating (+potency).

potency – damage/effectiveness


Melee Techniques

Classes and Levels: ARC(1), CLR(1), MAG(1), ROG(1), TMP(1), AGT(1), BLD(1), RNG(1), WIZ(1), NMR(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), ETH(1), NON(1)

School: Combat (Skill)

Syntax: automatic

While fighters are masters at melee combat and have access to the powerful Combat
Concentration skill, non-fighters can still learn to become skilled and adept in melee
combat. Melee Training requires patience and dedication to master but ultimately will help
in the long run.

Melee Techniques (automatic): increases melee and range attack rating by 1 (+potency) and
increases melee damage by 5% (+potency).

potency – damage/effectiveness


Shield Techniques

Classes and Levels: ARC(1), CLR(1), EXP(1), FIG(1), MAG(1), ROG(1), TMP(1), AGT(1), BLD(1), RNG(1), WIZ(1), MKT(1), NMR(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), ETH(1), NON(1)

School: Combat (Skill)

Syntax: automatic

The shield skill increases the effectiveness of shields by lowering their
hindrance, increase chance to block special attacks and more mitigation for
blocking special attacks.

#RThis skill becomes extremely useful against higher leveled mobs(30+).#c

All shields offer a chance to auto block normal attacks and raise base defense.
Different shields offer varying types of protection:

Normal Attacks:
(Note: Materials increase the base chance to block attacks)
Bucklers: No auto-block bonus for normal attacks.
Kite Shields: Small auto-block bonus for normal attacks.
Tower Shields: Medium auto-block bonus for normal attacks.

Shields offer protection against special attacks from NPCs:
(Note: Materials do not affect the chance to block special attacks)
Bucklers: High chance to block special attacks. Low mitigation of special attacks.
Kite Shields: Medium chance to block special attacks. Medium mitigation of special attacks.
Tower Shields: Low chance to block special attacks. High mitigation of special attacks.

(Note: Materials do not affect the hindrance)
Bucklers: Low
Kite Shields: Medium
Tower Shields: High

Shield Techniques (automatic): increases lowers hindrance while using a shield and improves
blocking and mitigating special attacks (+potency).

potency – damage/effectiveness



Haunting Visions

Classes and Levels: Ethari(20)

School: Delusions (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate hauntingvisions

“Let their past haunt their present, frightening away these so called rebellions.”

Haunting Visions (victims in the room):
(if telepathy is equal to High) deals mental damage based on wisdom upon expiration, for a
short length of time (becomes more powerful with character level),
decreases damage done by 6% for a short length of time (+potency, +duration),
decreases damage mitigation by 6% for a short length of time (+potency, +duration),
(if telepathy is equal to Low) decreases attack rating for a short length of time,
(if telepathy is equal to Low) decreases defense rating for a short length of time,
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) decreases attack rating for a short length of time, and
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) decreases defense rating for a short length of time.

Additionally(ethari elf), it
applies the following on your attacks to (self victim):
deals mental damage by maximum health percentage (+duration). (-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, duration – length of effect, reuse – length of ability


Manifest Delusion

Classes and Levels: Ethari(7)

School: Delusions (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate manifestdelusion <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“A terrible mental atrocity – inject some crippling delusional thoughts awhile subjecting
them to various HALLUCINATIONS.”

Manifest Delusion (single victim):
deals mental damage based on wisdom (becomes more powerful with character level) (+potency),
applies the following on inflicted damage to (self victim):
deals mental damage (becomes more powerful with character level) (+potency) for the next 1
trigger (+duration),
decreases attack rating for a short length of time (+potency, +duration),
increases received insanity by 5% for a short length of time (+potency, +duration),
(if telepathy is equal to Low) decreases defense rating for a short length of time,
(if telepathy is equal to Low) decreases critical chance mitigation by 10% for a short
length of time,
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) causes insanity on the target, and
(if telepathy is equal to High) summons a potent and frenzied hallucination.(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, duration – length of effect, reuse – length of ability



Classes and Levels: Ethari(69)

School: Delusions (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate nightmare <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“It’s here!”

Nightmare (single victim):
summons a horrifying nightmare dripping with liquid fear,
increases received insanity by 12% for a short length of time (+potency, +duration),
(if telepathy is equal to Low) increases delay for a short length of time,
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) increases delay for a short length of time, and
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) deals stun effects.(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, duration – length of effect, reuse – length of ability


Startling Dementia

Classes and Levels: Ethari(95)

School: Delusions (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate startlingdementia <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“Soon, they’ll forget what we’ve done to them. And then, we can do it again. And again, and
again, and again…until too, we forget what even we have done.”

Startling Dementia (single victim):
deals mental damage based on wisdom (becomes more powerful with character level) (+potency),
increases prevent(s) NPCs from using special attacks by 1% for a short length of time
clears the hostile target list,
(if target is insane) summons a horrifying nightmare dripping with liquid fear, and
(if telepathy is equal to High) decreases damage done by 25% for the next 1 trigger or
until the effect dissipates (+duration)

Additionally (ethari elf), it (if telepathy is equal to Low) restores telepathy energy and
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) restores telepathy energy.(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, duration – length of effect, reuse – length of ability


Stroke of Insanity

Classes and Levels: Ethari(40)

School: Delusions (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate strokeofinsanity <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“Not every stroke is one of genius.”

Stroke of Insanity (single victim): causes insanity on the target

Additionally (ethari elf), it
(if telepathy is equal to Low) increases generated insanity by 25-0% for a medium length of
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) increases generated insanity by 25-0% for a medium length
of time, and
(if telepathy is equal to High) increases damage done to insane foes by 50% for a medium
length of time.(-reuse)

reuse – length of ability cooldown



Broken Sanity: Consumption

Classes and Levels: Ethari(7)

School: Ethari (Skill)

Syntax: use brokensanity:consumption

Can Toggle Ability (turn on/off).

There is all but an infinitely small gap between sanity and insanity. How long it takes one
cross this gap and what they ultimately experience is unknown. However, with your help,
their insanity and consuming behavior is all but moments away…

Broken Sanity: Consumption (user): gives the power to break someone’s sanity.

Additionally(user), it

applies the following when insanity breaks to (self ally):
increases psi energy (+potency),

applies the following when insanity breaks to (self ally):
increases telepathy (+potency),

applies the following when insanity breaks to (single ally):

applies the following when attacked by a psionic to (a random grouped ally):
restores (+potency), and

applies the following when insanity breaks to (single ally):

applies the following when attacked by a psionic to (single ally):
(if target is a Ethari Elf) restores (+potency). (-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, reuse – length of ability cooldown


Broken Sanity: Delusions

Classes and Levels: Ethari(7)

School: Ethari (Skill)

Syntax: use brokensanity:delusions

Can Toggle Ability (turn on/off).

There is all but an infinitely small gap between sanity and insanity. How long it takes one
cross this gap and what they ultimately experience is unknown. However, with your help,
their insanity and delusions is all but moments away…

Broken Sanity: Delusions (user): gives the power to break someone’s sanity.

Additionally(user), it
applies the following when insanity breaks to (single ally):
causes confusion amongest target NPC, making them attack NPCs for a short length of time (+duration) and
applies the following when insanity breaks to (single ally):

applies the following when attacked by a psionic to (room but not target):
adds mesmerize effect (removal from combat and unable to act. If any hostile action is done
against them, the mesmerize will break. The target heals at an extremely accelerated rate
during this time.) for a medium length of time (+duration).(-reuse)

duration – length of effect, reuse – length of ability cooldown


Broken Sanity: Destruction

Classes and Levels: Ethari(7)

School: Ethari (Skill)

Syntax: use brokensanity:destruction

Can Toggle Ability (turn on/off).

There is all but an infinitely small gap between sanity and insanity. How long it takes one
cross this gap and what they ultimately experience is unknown. However, with your help,
their insanity and destructive behavior is all but moments away…

Broken Sanity: Destruction (user): gives the power to break someone’s sanity.

Additionally(user), it
applies the following when insanity breaks to (single ally):
deals mental damage by current health percentage over time, for a short length of time (+potency) and
applies the following when insanity breaks to (single ally):

applies the following when attacked by a psionic to (self ally):
deals mental damage (becomes more powerful with character level) (+potency).(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, reuse – length of ability cooldown


Drain Telepathy

Classes and Levels: Ethari(20)

School: Ethari (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate draintelepathy break <target> – breaks the target’s insanity

Syntax: manipulate draintelepathy gainlinks – increases the number of links for a short time by using 100% telepathy energy

Syntax: manipulate draintelepathy restore <telepathy> – restores PSI based on spent telepathy

“Take what is ours with no compromise.”

Drain Telepathy (single ally): allows you to spend telepathic energy for various actions.
Breaking insanity and gaining links will use all remaining telepathy.

With respect to gaining links: when links are gained they only last for a short time. When
the duration ends all links are lost, including normal links. It is up to you in order to
refresh the links to avoid this complete loss. This is part of the challenge for this
expanded great power (-reuse, +PSI restored efficiency, +links, +link duration, +slightly
higher sanity break chance, -reuse).

TRAINING KEY: duration – length of effect, chance – chance of failure/success, reuse –
length of ability cooldown


Neuropathic Link

Classes and Levels: Ethari(20)

School: Ethari (Skill)

Syntax: use neuropathiclink reset – resets all link levels. This will wipe out all of your links.

Syntax: use neuropathiclink view – displays all of the current link settings and status.

Syntax: use neuropathiclink allocate <psionic type> <amount> – adds the amount of links by type. 0 performs a reset.

Syntax: use neuropathiclink linktypes – views the link types.

“You stare into the infinite void and let your mind expand. You now see what no one else
has seen before…” – The Void

Neuropathic Link (single ally): allows you to become linked with a psionic realm to
increase its overall effectiveness (damage, duration, PSI cost reduction, wisdom, and dodge
rate) (-reuse, +more link levels, -reuse). Link levels are gained at levels 4, 7, and 10

reuse – length of ability cooldown


Psycho Surgery

Classes and Levels: Ethari(25)

School: Ethari (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate psychosurgery <target> [level] – changes telepathy level on target randomly or to the specified one

“These primitive creatures cannot control their own minds let alone understand them. It
then falls on us to shape them in our own vision.” -Ethari, a Dark Age.

Psycho Surgery (single ally): allows the Ethari to perform a psycho surgery on the target,
changing their telepathy (-reuse, +select telepathy level at maximum level, -reuse).

reuse – length of ability cooldown




Classes and Levels: ARC(1), CLR(1), EXP(1), FIG(1), MAG(1), ROG(1), TMP(1), AGT(1), BLD(1), RNG(1), WIZ(1), MKT(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), ETH(1), NON(1)

School: General (Skill)

Syntax: use appraise <item name>| <slot> – executes the ability on the given item.

Appraise allows you to try and deduce what an item is worth. The difficulty depends on the
rarity of the item and any special enchantments it has (such as being a magical or holy
item). Rogues and Dwarves get bonuses to this skill.

Appraise (single ally): appraises the value of an item (+potency).

potency – damage/effectiveness


Bind Wounds

Classes and Levels: ARC(1), CLR(1), EXP(1), FIG(1), MAG(1), ROG(1), TMP(1), AGT(1), BLD(1), RNG(1), WIZ(1), MKT(1), NMR(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), ETH(1), NON(1)

School: General (Skill)

Syntax: use bindwounds <target> – binds a targets wounds

Bind wounds provides a way to stop or lessen the bleeding of wounds incurred in combat.
This ability can be used to regain health even if there are no wounds.

Bind Wounds (single ally): restores a small amount of health and has a chance to heal
wounds sustained in combat (+chance, +number of wounds healed, +potency, -delay).

Bind Wounds heals wounds as follows: up to 1 wound if in combat, up to 2 wounds if out of
combat and standing, and up to 3 wounds if out of combat and sitting/laying down.

Success rate increases while sitting(small bonus) or laying down(higher bonus) and out of

Sleeping is the quickest way to restore health.

Wounds with projectiles in them can’t be healed. REMOVE them before binding.

TRAINING KEY: potency – damage/effectiveness, chance – chance of failure/success, delay –
length of ability delay on use



Classes and Levels: ARC(1), CLR(1), EXP(1), FIG(1), MAG(1), ROG(1), TMP(1), AGT(1), BLD(1), RNG(1), WIZ(1), MKT(1), NMR(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), ETH(1), NON(1)

School: General (Skill)

Syntax: use hide [carefully] – if carefully is used, you get a bonus to success chance but a much longer delay.

“Darkness, they hide in the darkness – be on your watch!” – unfortante folk walking through
a darkened alley at night.

This skill allows the user to enter the shadows and become unseen. Many factors decide if
the attempt is successful: time of day, number of people in the room, hide level, class,
and attributes. Players and NPCS may search the room to reveal you from the shadows.

In addition, some players or NPCs may be able to see hidden, either by natural means or

Hide (single ally): allows you to enter the shadows in the room (+chance, -delay). The more
people present the harder and longer the delay.

TRAINING KEY: chance – chance of failure/success, delay – length of ability delay on use


Sanctified Rest

Classes and Levels: ARC(1), CLR(1), EXP(1), FIG(1), MAG(1), ROG(1), TMP(1), AGT(1), BLD(1), RNG(1), WIZ(1), MKT(1), NMR(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), ETH(1), NON(1)

School: General (Skill)

Syntax: automatic

Sanctified Rest grants a character the ability to augment their healing rates while
sleeping or resting. Available to the general populace, the skill modifies how a person
rests or sleeps, be it by clearing their mind, teaching them how to bring comfort to their
body by the position they choose to rest in, or merely how to focus their energies into
healing themselves. The skill only works while sleeping or rest and will not heal a person
if they’re affected by damage over time affects, like fire or condemned.

Sanctified Rest (automatic): has a 50% base chance to increase regeneration of health,
stamina and essence while resting or sleeping (+potency, +chance).

potency – damage/effectiveness, chance – chance of failure/success



Classes and Levels: ARC(1), CLR(1), EXP(1), FIG(1), MAG(1), ROG(1), TMP(1), AGT(1), BLD(1), RNG(1), WIZ(1), MKT(1), NMR(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), ETH(1), NON(1)

School: General (Skill)

Syntax: automatic

Stalking allows you to move from room to room undetected. You must be hidden to use this
skill. It works automatically and there must be someone in the room you’re leaving to gain
skill points for this. If successful, you will gain uses according to the amount of people
in the room. You won’t get a use if someone notices your stalking. You won’t always receive
notification if someone saw you – it’s part of the nature of not knowing if you’re really
being sneaky.

Stalking (automatic): provides the capability to stealthly move between rooms (must be
hidden first) (+potency).

potency – damage/effectiveness




Classes and Levels: Ethari(30)

School: Psionics (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate esp <target>|room|world <message> – send a message to a target, current room, or to the entire world.

“Project and control. Project and control. Project and the control. The preferred method to
keeping the masses at bay.”

ESP (ethari elf): projects your thoughts across the world to a specific target or the
entire populace (-reuse, -reuse).

reuse – length of ability cooldown



Classes and Levels: Ethari(1)

School: Psionics (Skill)

Syntax: automatic

“To expand ones mind is to expand our power.” Psionics will unleash the untold capability
upon your victims.

Psychics (automatic): increases psionics attack (+potency).

potency – damage/effectiveness


Scorched Psyche

Classes and Levels: Ethari(1)

School: Psionics (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate scorchedpsyche <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“Just upon the surface of ones mind is the tantalizing threshold between pain and pleasure.
We skim across it like water dancers on a fall festival before the deathly cold winds of
the freeze comes.”

Scorched Psyche (single victim):
deals mental damage (becomes more powerful with character level) (+potency),
deals mental damage upon expiration, for a short length of time (becomes more powerful with
character level) (+potency), and
(if telepathy is equal to Low) deals mental damage upon expiration, for a short length of
time (becomes more powerful with character level) (+potency)

Additionally (ethari elf), it
restores psi energy (+potency),
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) restores psi energy over time, for a short length of time, and
(if telepathy is equal to High) restores psi energy.

potency – damage/effectiveness



Classes and Levels: Ethari(15)

School: Psionics (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate tranquil

“Clear your mind and access a higher plane of existence.”

Tranquil (ethari elf): restores psi energy (+potency).(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, reuse – length of ability cooldown



Blurred Movements

Classes and Levels: Ethari(56)

School: Psychometabolism (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate blurredmovements <target> – executes the ability on the target(GroupNotSelf)

“Before the end comes blur yourself for your own preservation of existence.”

Blurred Movements (single ally):
increases risk when attacking for a long length of time (+potency, +duration),
decreases ability cost by 5% for a long length of time (+potency, +duration), and
increases accuracy rating (reduces auto and critical melee misses) and slightly modifies
attack rating for a long length of time (+potency, +duration).(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, duration – length of effect, reuse – length of ability


Metabolic Control: Adaptation

Classes and Levels: Ethari(49)

School: Psychometabolism (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate metaboliccontrol:adaptation

Can Toggle Ability (turn on/off).

“This is the second step to transcendent. We must adapt to the changes around us: some
resist more so than others and desperation makes for unpredictable events to occur.”

Metabolic Control: Adaptation (ethari elf):
increases affect duration (+potency),
increases psi energy (+potency),
increases intelligence (+potency),
increases wisdom (+potency), and
increases accuracy rating (reduces auto and critical melee misses) and slightly modifies
attack rating (+potency).(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, reuse – length of ability cooldown


Metabolic Control: Protection

Classes and Levels: Ethari(27)

School: Psychometabolism (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate metaboliccontrol:protection

Can Toggle Ability (turn on/off).

“This is the first step to transcendent. We shall give ourselves the protection needed to
reach it.”

Metabolic Control: Protection (ethari elf):
increases damage mitigation by 15%,
decreases damage done by 20%,
increases constitution (+potency), and
decreases bleeding from wounds by 15% (+potency).(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, reuse – length of ability cooldown


Void-touched Mind Graft

Classes and Levels: Ethari(88)

School: Psychometabolism (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate void-touchedmindgraft <target> – executes the ability on the target(GroupNotSelf)

“When everything else has failed to prevent our demise, which is utterly unfathomably in
its own right, this is the only option left to us: harness the toxic Void to maintain the
grasp on our Authority of Supremacy over this planet.”

Void-touched Mind Graft (single ally):
increases effect potency for a short length of time (+potency, +duration),
decreases delay for a short length of time (+potency, +duration),
increases damage done by 58% for a short length of time (+potency, +duration),
increases delay for a short length of time,
decreases damage done by 25% for a short length of time, and
prevents ability use on target for a long length of time.(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, duration – length of effect, reuse – length of ability


Wound Control

Classes and Levels: Ethari(19)

School: Psychometabolism (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate woundcontrol

“Our invulnerability should soon demonstrate there is little hope to accept anything other
than complete submission.”

Wound Control (ethari elf):
restores multiple wounds,
restores a percentage of health (+potency), and
decreases the size of any received wounds for a medium length of time (+duration).(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, duration – length of effect, reuse – length of ability


Ranged Weapon Skill


Classes and Levels: ARC(1), CLR(1), EXP(1), FIG(1), MAG(1), ROG(1), TMP(1), AGT(1), BLD(1), RNG(1), WIZ(1), MKT(1), NMR(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), ETH(1), NON(1)

School: Ranged Weapon Skill (Skill)

Syntax: automatic

Archery (the skill) is the proficiency in which your character is able to use a bow in
combat. What is a bow? A weapon consisting typically of a piece of long slender wood with a
form of string tied at both ends. An arrow can be placed on this string, pulled back and
released to produce a deadly range attack. There are many variations of bows such as:
Short-bows, longbows, recurve bows and various types of crossbows.

There are several types of projectile heads: broadhead, bodkin and blunt.
Bows receive a 50% damage increase if used beyond 2 units (10 feet) of a target. Advance or
retreat before battle to do maximum damage.

Archery (automatic): increases attack rating while using bows (+potency).

potency – damage/effectiveness



Classes and Levels: ARC(1), CLR(1), EXP(1), FIG(1), MAG(1), ROG(1), TMP(1), AGT(1), BLD(1), RNG(1), WIZ(1), MKT(1), NMR(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), ETH(1), NON(1)

School: Ranged Weapon Skill (Skill)

Syntax: automatic

Crossbow (the skill) is the proficiency in which your character is able to use a Crossbow
in combat. What is a Crossbow? A weapon consisting typically of a wooden shaft reinforced
with metal that can crank a projectile (called a bolt, similar to an arrow) by a mechanical
force, rather than brute strength like a bow. The bolt can then be fired at the press of a
trigger. There are many variations of crossbows such as: crossbows, and slybows (the top is
covered with a metal tube, resembling a firearm).

Crossbows are not an ideal weapon to be used constantly. Their reload time is extensive.

Crossbow (automatic): increases attack rating while using crossbows (+potency).

potency – damage/effectiveness


Risk Posture

Posture: Dominance

Classes and Levels: ARC(30), CLR(30), EXP(30), FIG(30), MAG(30), ROG(30), TMP(30), AGT(30), BLD(30), RNG(30), WIZ(30), MKT(30), NMR(30), DRN(30), DRN(30), DRN(30), DRN(30), DRN(30), ETH(30), NON(30)

School: Risk Posture (Skill)

Syntax: use posture:dominance

Can Toggle Ability (turn on/off).

Posture: Dominance allows the combatant to build morale and exploit weaknesses while
fighting NPCs who also follow the Dominance posture stance. Dominance focuses on completely
dominating another target through sheer physical will.

Morale will increase combat effectiveness by applying the following cumulative buffs:
1. Eager: +15% damage
2. Steady: +2 wound level per wound
3. Determined: +50% knockdown chance per hit

Weaknesses will debuff the target in the following way:
+15 risk per action

Posture: Dominance (user): build morale and exploit weaknesses while fighting NPCs who also
follow the Dominance posture.(-reuse)

reuse – length of ability cooldown


Posture: Form

Classes and Levels: ARC(30), CLR(30), EXP(30), FIG(30), MAG(30), ROG(30), TMP(30), AGT(30), BLD(30), RNG(30), WIZ(30), MKT(30), NMR(30), DRN(30), DRN(30), DRN(30), DRN(30), DRN(30), ETH(30), NON(30)

School: Risk Posture (Skill)

Syntax: use posture:form

Can Toggle Ability (turn on/off).

Posture: Form allows the combatant to build morale and exploit weaknesses while fighting
NPCs who also follow the Form posture stance. Form focuses on using the body’s natural
methods to be effective in combat.

Morale will increase combat effectiveness by applying the following cumulative buffs:
1. Eager: +20% damage mitigation
2. Steady: -15% ability cost
3. Determined: -5 risk on every attack

Weaknesses will debuff the target in the following way:
-25% critical chance mitigation

Posture: Form (user): build morale and exploit weaknesses while fighting NPCs who also
follow the Form posture.(-reuse)

reuse – length of ability cooldown


Posture: Mind

Classes and Levels: ARC(30), CLR(30), EXP(30), FIG(30), MAG(30), ROG(30), TMP(30), AGT(30), BLD(30), RNG(30), WIZ(30), MKT(30), NMR(30), DRN(30), DRN(30), DRN(30), DRN(30), DRN(30), ETH(30), NON(30)

School: Risk Posture (Skill)

Syntax: use posture:mind

Can Toggle Ability (turn on/off).

Posture: Mind allows the combatant to build morale and exploit weaknesses while fighting
NPCs who also follow the Mind posture stance. Mind focuses on being aware and mindful of
the combat situation, allowing you to be more effective!

Morale will increase combat effectiveness by applying the following cumulative buffs:
1. Eager: +25% ability duration
2. Steady: -20% ability reuse
3. Determined: +15% ability potency

Weaknesses will debuff the target in the following way:
-25% special attack damage

Posture: Mind (user): build morale and exploit weaknesses while fighting NPCs who also
follow the Mind posture.(-reuse)

reuse – length of ability cooldown


Posture: Movement

Classes and Levels: ARC(30), CLR(30), EXP(30), FIG(30), MAG(30), ROG(30), TMP(30), AGT(30), BLD(30), RNG(30), WIZ(30), MKT(30), NMR(30), DRN(30), DRN(30), DRN(30), DRN(30), DRN(30), ETH(30), NON(30)

School: Risk Posture (Skill)

Syntax: use posture:movement

Can Toggle Ability (turn on/off).

Posture: Movement allows the combatant to build morale and exploit weaknesses while
fighting NPCs who also follow the Movement posture stance. Movement focuses on using speed
and quickness to get the upper hand in battle!

Morale will increase combat effectiveness by applying the following cumulative buffs:
1. Eager: +5 defense
2. Steady: +7 attack
3. Determined: -1 second delay to all actions

Weaknesses will debuff the target in the following way:
+1 second delay to all actions

Posture: Movement (user): build morale and exploit weaknesses while fighting NPCs who also
follow the Movement posture.(-reuse)

reuse – length of ability cooldown


Posture: Precision

Classes and Levels: ARC(30), CLR(30), EXP(30), FIG(30), MAG(30), ROG(30), TMP(30), AGT(30), BLD(30), RNG(30), WIZ(30), MKT(30), NMR(30), DRN(30), DRN(30), DRN(30), DRN(30), DRN(30), ETH(30), NON(30)

School: Risk Posture (Skill)

Syntax: use posture:precision

Can Toggle Ability (turn on/off).

Posture: Precision allows the combatant to build morale and exploit weaknesses while
fighting NPCs who also follow the Precision posture stance. Precision focuses on using
techniques to be more accurate and deadly in ones strikes.

Morale will increase combat effectiveness by applying the following cumulative buffs:
1. Eager: +20% critical chance
2. Steady: -16% bleed damage during bleeds
3. Determined: +16 accuracy

Weaknesses will debuff the target in the following way:
-10% critical chance

Posture: Precision (user): build morale and exploit weaknesses while fighting NPCs who also
follow the Precision posture.(-reuse)

reuse – length of ability cooldown



Debris Rain

Classes and Levels: Ethari(35)

School: Telekinesis (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate debrisrain <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“Nature isn’t the only one that can make it rain.”

Debris Rain (single victim):
deals blunt damage based on wisdom (becomes more powerful with character level) (+potency),
a 25% base chance to deal blunt damage based on wisdom (becomes more powerful with
character level) (+potency, +chance),
a 25% base chance to deal blunt damage based on wisdom over time, for a short length of
time (becomes more powerful with character level) (+potency, +duration, +chance),
a 25% base chance to deal stun effects (+potency, +duration, +chance),
(if telepathy is equal to Low) deals knock down effects,
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) decreases attack rating for the next 1 trigger or until
the effect dissipates, and
(if telepathy is equal to High) decreases attack rating for the next 2 triggers or until
the effect dissipates.(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, duration – length of effect, chance – chance of
failure/success, reuse – length of ability cooldown


Oscillating Psycho-Shroud

Classes and Levels: Ethari(8)

School: Telekinesis (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate oscillatingpsycho-shroud

“Our minds can form telekinetic energies into a shifting and rotating physical barrier.
This shroud will keep us safe while the populace is put into submission.”

Oscillating Psycho-Shroud (ethari elf):
increases damage mitigation by 10% for a long length of time (+potency, +duration),
increases wound avoidance by 12% for a long length of time (+potency, +duration),
increases attack rating for a medium length of time (+potency, +duration), and
increases defense rating for a long length of time (+potency, +duration).(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, duration – length of effect, reuse – length of ability


Psycho Shields

Classes and Levels: Ethari(40)

School: Telekinesis (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate psychoshields

“Chaos is unpredictable…let these shields protect us from the unforeseen uprisings…”

Psycho Shields (ethari elf):
applies the following on your successful attacks to (single ally):
has a 33% base chance to deal blunt damage (becomes more powerful with character level) (+potency) for the next 6 triggers (+triggers, +duration) and
applies the following when successfully attacked to (single ally):
has a 75% base chance to deal stun effects (+potency, +duration) for the next 6 triggers
(+triggers, +duration)

Additionally (ethari elf), it restores psi energy over time, for a short length of time

potency – damage/effectiveness, duration – length of effect, triggers – spells/abilities



Classes and Levels: Ethari(62)

School: Telekinesis (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate reduce <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“Disobedience? Freedom? Rebellion? Simply reduce these folly ideals to a mere speck of

Reduce (single victim):
deals blunt damage based on strength (becomes more powerful with character level)
(if telepathy is equal to Low) deals blunt damage based on strength (becomes more powerful
with character level) (+potency),
deals knock down effects, and
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) deals stun effects

Additionally (ethari elf), it increases damage mitigation by 15% for the next 1 trigger or
until the effect dissipates (+duration).

Additionally(grouped allies), it (if telepathy is equal to High) increases damage
mitigation by 15% for the next 1 trigger or until the effect dissipates (+duration).(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, duration – length of effect, reuse – length of ability



Classes and Levels: Ethari(10)

School: Telekinesis (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate repulse throw <target> – throws the target into the air for high damage.

Syntax: manipulate repulse push <target> – pushes the target away in a random direction(if one exists).

“Control their meaningless bodies and toss them about like the dirt they are.”

Repulse (single victim): allows the Ethari to either throw the target into the air for high
damage and stun them or to push them into another room(if an exit exists)! (+potency,
+throw height, -reuse).

TRAINING KEY: potency – damage/effectiveness, reuse – length of ability cooldown


Telejail of Terror

Classes and Levels: Ethari(48)

School: Telekinesis (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate telejailofterror <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“So many ways to induce terror. By far, this is my favorite one…the haunting screams
riding on the night wind is such liberating. It keeps the other simpletons in line.”

Telejail of Terror (single victim):
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) deals blunt damage based on wisdom upon expiration, for a
short length of time (becomes more powerful with character level) (+duration),
(if telepathy is equal to High) deals blunt damage based on wisdom upon expiration, for a
short length of time (becomes more powerful with character level) (+duration),
teleportation for a short length of time (+duration),
teleports to another location on use, and
(if telepathy is equal to Low) decreases damage mitigation by 200% for the next 2 triggers
or until the effect dissipates (+potency)

Additionally (ethari elf), it
increases damage done by 25% for the next 1 trigger,
decreases psi energy cost by 100% for the next 1 trigger, and
(if telepathy is equal to High) summons a telekinetic terror of the telejail as a pet upon
expiration, for a short length of time (+duration).

potency – damage/effectiveness, duration – length of effect




Classes and Levels: Ethari(66)

School: Telepathy (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate confusion <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“Control comes in a matter of methods. Confusion being my most desirable one.”

Confusion (single victim):
causes confusion amongest target NPC, making them attack NPCs for a short length of time
(if telepathy is equal to Low) decreases damage mitigation by 100% for a short length of
time (+duration),
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) decreases damage mitigation by 200% for a short length of
time (+duration), and
(if telepathy is equal to High) decreases damage mitigation by 300% for a short length of
time (+duration).(-reuse)

duration – length of effect, reuse – length of ability cooldown



Classes and Levels: Ethari(50)

School: Telepathy (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate fear <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“They have no choice but to fear us – willingly or unwillingly.”

Fear (single victim): causes the NPC to flee in combat for a short length of time

Additionally (ethari elf), it
restores psi energy over time, for a short length of time (+potency),
(if telepathy is equal to Low) restores telepathy energy,
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) increases generated insanity by 10% for a short length of
time (+potency), and
(if telepathy is equal to High) increases generated insanity by 25% for a short length of
time (+potency).(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, duration – length of effect, reuse – length of ability


Hypnotic Clones

Classes and Levels: Ethari(32)

School: Telepathy (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate hypnoticclones <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“Draw their attention away from you just long enough in order to dominate them.”

Hypnotic Clones (single ally): summons a mentally charged hypnotic Ethari clone (+potency)
and (if telepathy is equal to Low) deals stun effects (+potency, +duration).

Additionally(non-player engaged allies in the room), it (if telepathy is equal to Medium)
clears the hostile target list and (if telepathy is equal to High) clears the hostile
target list.(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, duration – length of effect, reuse – length of ability


Psi Blade

Classes and Levels: Ethari(5)

School: Telepathy (Psionic)

Syntax: automatic(triggered, see below)

“A manifestation of pure mental power formed in the shape of a lethal blade…for you and
your weak friends….”

Psi Blade (single victim): deals mental damage (becomes more powerful with character level)
(+potency) and (if telepathy is equal to High) deals stun effects

Additionally (ethari elf), it (if telepathy is equal to Low) restores telepathy energy for
the next 1 trigger and (if telepathy is equal to Medium) increases critical attacks by 25%
for a short length of time.(-reuse)
(Executes automatically: has a 50% chance to execute on every attack)

potency – damage/effectiveness, reuse – length of ability cooldown


Ruptured Psyche

Classes and Levels: Ethari(11)

School: Telepathy (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate rupturedpsyche <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“The Ruptured Psyche is both a tragedy and beautiful sight to behold. Tragedy for the loved
ones which see the disastrous effects it has; beautiful for those who caused it and the
sheer ruin it leaves in its wake.” – Ethari

Ruptured Psyche (single victim):
deals mental damage based on wisdom (becomes more powerful with character level) (+potency),
a 15% base chance to deal stun effects (+chance),
a 25% base chance to deal knock down effects (+chance),
a 9% base chance to (if telepathy is equal to Low) cause insanity on the target,
a 18% base chance to (if telepathy is equal to Medium) cause insanity on the target, and
a 27% base chance to (if telepathy is equal to High) cause insanity on the target.(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, chance – chance of failure/success, reuse – length of
ability cooldown


Viral Torment

Classes and Levels: Ethari(72)

School: Telepathy (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate viraltorment <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“Spread madness through their ranks, slowly enrapturing each mind, until their entire
society fails.”

Viral Torment (single victim):
deals mental damage based on wisdom (becomes more powerful with character level) (+potency),
deals mental damage based on wisdom upon expiration, for a short length of time (becomes
more powerful with character level) (+potency), and
increases delay for a short length of time (+duration).

Additionally(single victim), it applies the following when killed to (single): .

Additionally(grouped allies), it
(if telepathy is equal to Low) decreases risk,
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) increases damage done by 5% for a short length of time, and
(if telepathy is equal to High) increases morale gain by 5 for the next 1 trigger or until the effect dissipates. (-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, duration – length of effect, reuse – length of ability


Thrall Drain

Devouring Mind

Classes and Levels: Ethari(15)

School: Thrall Drain (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate devouringmind <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“After their eyes droop and minds are lulled into a sleep then and only then can they
sustain us.”

Devouring Mind (single victim):
(if target is affected by Mesmerize.) deals mental damage based on wisdom (becomes more
powerful with character level) (+potency),
a 75% base chance to (if telepathy is equal to Low) add mesmerize effect (removal from
combat and unable to act. If any hostile action is done against them, the mesmerize will
break. The target heals at an extremely accelerated rate during this time.) for a medium
length of time (+duration),
a 50% base chance to (if telepathy is equal to Medium) add mesmerize effect (removal from
combat and unable to act. If any hostile action is done against them, the mesmerize will
break. The target heals at an extremely accelerated rate during this time.) for a medium
length of time (+duration), and
a 25% base chance to (if telepathy is equal to High) add mesmerize effect (removal from
combat and unable to act. If any hostile action is done against them, the mesmerize will
break. The target heals at an extremely accelerated rate during this time.) for a medium
length of time (+duration)

Additionally (ethari elf), it
(if target is affected by Mesmerize.) restores health by 15%,
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) increases damage done by 25% for the next 1 trigger or
until the effect dissipates, and
(if telepathy is equal to High) increases damage done by 50% for the next 1 trigger or
until the effect dissipates.(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, duration – length of effect, reuse – length of ability



Classes and Levels: Ethari(6)

School: Thrall Drain (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate enthrall <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“Do not underestimate the powers of the Authority of Supremacy or suffer the same fate as
all of the others.”

Enthrall (single victim): adds mesmerize effect (removal from combat and unable to act. If
any hostile action is done against them, the mesmerize will break. The target heals at an
extremely accelerated rate during this time.) for a medium length of time (+duration) and
(if telepathy is equal to Low) decreases damage mitigation by 100% for the next 2 triggers
or until the effect dissipates

Additionally (ethari elf), it (if any target in room is mesmerized) restores psi energy
over time, for a short length of time (+potency, +duration) and (if telepathy is equal to
High) increases generated insanity by 25% for a short length of time.

Additionally(grouped allies), it (if telepathy is equal to Medium) increases intelligence
for a medium length of time and (if telepathy is equal to Medium) increases wisdom for a
medium length of time.(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, duration – length of effect, reuse – length of ability


Mental Leech

Classes and Levels: Ethari(22)

School: Thrall Drain (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate mentalleech <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“Their purpose is sustain us now and forever.”

Mental Leech (single victim): applies only area based affects:

Additionally(grouped allies), it
increases uncapped damage done by 12% for a short length of time (+potency, +duration),
(if telepathy is equal to Low) decreases delay for the next 4 triggers or until the effect dissipates,
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) decreases ability cost by 25% for the next 4 triggers or until the effect dissipates, and
(if telepathy is equal to High) decreases ability cooldown time for the next 4 triggers or until the effect dissipates.

potency – damage/effectiveness, duration – length of effect


Sanity Breach

Classes and Levels: Ethari(75)

School: Thrall Drain (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate sanitybreach <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“Those who we do not control are no threat. Their hatred and resistance of us will turn
into violence and, ultimately, their own insanity thus offering an open window into the
mind. This window shall lead to complete domination.”

Sanity Breach (single victim):

Additionally (ethari elf), it
increases generated insanity by 12% for a medium length of time (+potency),
applies the following when successfully attacked to (single victim):
increases insanity by 5% (+potency),
(if telepathy is equal to Low) restores telepathy energy,
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) restores psi energy,
(if telepathy is equal to High) restores telepathy energy (+potency), and
(if telepathy is equal to High) restores psi energy.(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, reuse – length of ability cooldown


Telepathy Leech

Classes and Levels: Ethari(45)

School: Thrall Drain (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate telepathyleech <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“We can survive in so many ways. There is nothing that we cannot overcome with enough

Telepathy Leech (single victim):

Additionally (ethari elf), it
restores telepathy energy (+potency),
restores psi energy (+potency),
(if telepathy is equal to Low) increases attack rating for a medium length of time,
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) increases critical attacks by 25% for a medium length of
time, and
(if telepathy is equal to High) increases damage done by 100% for the next 2 triggers or
until the effect dissipates.(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, reuse – length of ability cooldown


Trade Craft


Classes and Levels: ARC(1), CLR(1), EXP(1), FIG(1), MAG(1), TMP(1), AGT(1), BLD(1), RNG(1), WIZ(1), MKT(1), NMR(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), ETH(1), NON(1)

School: Trade Craft (Skill)

Syntax: automatic

Haggle is a passive skill that is checked every time a player sells an object from a
shopkeeper. A successful haggle increases the amount of money gained while selling to a
shokeeper.The greater the level in haggle, the better the chance to succeed and the more
money gained from each successful haggle.

Haggle (automatic): has a 25% base chance to increase the value of sold items (+chance).

chance – chance of failure/success




Classes and Levels: Ethari(70)

School: Vitakinesis (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate aneurysm <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“Soon, your very brain will become the betrayer and after, your writhing body will cling to
what little life it has before being completely extinguished. This…is a choice you made.
A choice to go against the Authority of Supremacy. All consequences have actions. There is
no higher power than us and it is our right to carry out the will of the Infinite.”

Aneurysm (single victim): deals blunt damage based on wisdom upon expiration, for a short
length of time (becomes more powerful with character level) (+potency, -duration) and deals
knock down effects (+potency)

Additionally (ethari elf), it
(if telepathy is equal to Low) increases (psionic clarity) psionic attacks, menttal damage
and psionic duration for a short length of time,
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) increases (psionic clarity) psionic attacks, menttal
damage and psionic duration for a short length of time,
(if telepathy is equal to High) increases (psionic clarity) psionic attacks, menttal damage
and psionic duration for a short length of time, and
(if telepathy is equal to High) restores psi energy.(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, duration – length of effect, reuse – length of ability


Brain Burst

Classes and Levels: Ethari(91)

School: Vitakinesis (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate brainburst <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“Do not become filled with hopelessness now that your revolt has failed. You now have a new
destiny: The Infinite Mind shall feast upon your brain and allowing you to become a part of
the cosmic fabric for-evermore. This is an honor.”

Brain Burst (single victim):
deals mental damage based on wisdom (+potency),
a 20% base chance to deal mental damage based on wisdom (+potency), and
deals mental damage based on wisdom upon expiration, for a medium length of time (+potency)

Additionally (ethari elf), it (if telepathy is equal to Low) restores psi energy and (if
telepathy is equal to Medium) restores telepathy energy.

Additionally(non-player engaged victims in the room), it (if telepathy is equal to High)
deals mental damage based on wisdom upon expiration, for a short length of time (+potency).(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, reuse – length of ability cooldown


Constricting Muscles

Classes and Levels: Ethari(24)

School: Vitakinesis (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate constrictingmuscles <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“They will not expect their own muscles to rebel against themselves. Then we will take them

Constricting Muscles (single victim):
deals blunt damage based on strength (becomes more powerful with character level)
deals blunt damage based on strength over time, for a short length of time (becomes more
powerful with character level) (+potency),
applies the following on your successful attacks to (self victim):
has a 25% base chance to deal stun effects,
applies the following on your successful attacks to (self victim):
deals blunt damage based on strength over time, for a short length of time (becomes more
powerful with character level) (+potency),
(if telepathy is equal to Low) deals knock down effects,
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) root(can’t move) for a short length of time, and
(if telepathy is equal to High) decreases damage done by 33% for the next 1 trigger or
until the effect dissipates.(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, reuse – length of ability cooldown


Life Squeeze

Classes and Levels: Ethari(9)

School: Vitakinesis (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate lifesqueeze <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“With each squeeze I bring you closer to your utter and complete demise.”

Life Squeeze (single victim):
deals blunt damage based on wisdom (becomes more powerful with character level) (+potency),
a 50% base chance to deal stun effects,
a 50% base chance to deal knock down effects,
(if telepathy is equal to Low) increases bleeding from wounds by 25% for a short length of
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) causes wounds,
(if telepathy is equal to High) increases bleeding from wounds by 25% for a short length of
time, and
(if telepathy is equal to High) causes wounds

Additionally (ethari elf), it restores a percentage of health (+potency).(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, reuse – length of ability cooldown


Racing Heart

Classes and Levels: Ethari(14)

School: Vitakinesis (Psionic)

Syntax: manipulate racingheart <target> – executes the ability on the target(Single)

“Even though the heart is the strongest muscle in their body, it is also their greatest

Racing Heart (single victim):
increases knock down resistance by 15% for a medium length of time (+potency, +duration),
decreases defense rating for a medium length of time (+potency, +duration),
increases delay for a medium length of time (+duration),
(if telepathy is equal to Low) increase risk,
(if telepathy is equal to Medium) increase risk, and
(if telepathy is equal to High) increase risk

Additionally (ethari elf), it restores psi energy (+potency).(-reuse)

potency – damage/effectiveness, duration – length of effect, reuse – length of ability


Weapon Skill


Classes and Levels: ARC(1), CLR(1), EXP(1), FIG(1), MAG(1), ROG(1), TMP(1), AGT(1), BLD(1), RNG(1), WIZ(1), MKT(1), NMR(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), ETH(1), NON(1)

School: Weapon Skill (Skill)

Syntax: automatic

Axe (the skill) is the proficiency in which your character is able to use an axe in combat.
What is an axe? A weapon an edge or blade, for felling enemies. It is wielded by a wooden
helve or handle, so fixed in a socket or eye as to be in the same plane with the blade.
There are a few variations of axes such as: Broadaxes, Handaxes, Adzes to name most of

Axe (automatic): increases attack rating while using axes (+potency).

potency – damage/effectiveness



Classes and Levels: ARC(1), CLR(1), EXP(1), FIG(1), MAG(1), ROG(1), TMP(1), AGT(1), BLD(1), RNG(1), WIZ(1), MKT(1), NMR(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), ETH(1), NON(1)

School: Weapon Skill (Skill)

Syntax: automatic

A Dagger is a type of weapon available in “A Tempest Season”. What is so special about it
that it deserves its own help file then? The fact that using a dagger or a weapon flagged
dagger will -1 to your attack delay.

Dagger (automatic): increases attack rating while using daggers (+potency).

potency – damage/effectiveness



Classes and Levels: ARC(1), CLR(1), EXP(1), FIG(1), MAG(1), ROG(1), TMP(1), AGT(1), BLD(1), RNG(1), WIZ(1), MKT(1), NMR(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), ETH(1), NON(1)

School: Weapon Skill (Skill)

Syntax: automatic

Mace (the skill) is the proficiency in which your character is able to use a mace in
combat. What is a mace? A heavy war club with a skinny haft and a thick spiked or flanged
metal head, used to crush armor. There are a few variations of maces such as: Morningstars,
Flails, and the regular mace to name a few.

Mace (automatic): increases attack rating while using maces (+potency).

potency – damage/effectiveness



Classes and Levels: ARC(1), CLR(1), EXP(1), FIG(1), MAG(1), ROG(1), TMP(1), AGT(1), BLD(1), RNG(1), WIZ(1), MKT(1), NMR(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), ETH(1), NON(1)

School: Weapon Skill (Skill)

Syntax: automatic

Polearm (the skill) is a proficiency that allows any character that possesses it to wield
polearms effectively in combat. Polearms are used for the superior reach they give a
wielder over an enemy, their ability to parry attacks from a greater distance and deal a
considerable amount of damage. The defining feature of a polearm is the pole, or shaft,
which is forged from various materials but primarily iron or wood. While at times the pole
can just remain as just a pole, and still prove deadly, most polearms carry a blade at one
end and at times even at both ends. The weapon comes in one or two handed forms. Usually
one handed polearms come as spears, jabbing weapons that rely on a thrusting attack and two
handed polearms come in the variety of halberds, scythes, glaives and naginatas. Polearms
without a bladed end are known as staves and they rely on crushing attacks to deal damage.

Pole-arm (automatic): increases attack rating while using polearms (+potency).

potency – damage/effectiveness



Classes and Levels: ARC(1), CLR(1), EXP(1), FIG(1), MAG(1), ROG(1), TMP(1), AGT(1), BLD(1), RNG(1), WIZ(1), MKT(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), ETH(1), NON(1)

School: Weapon Skill (Skill)

Syntax: automatic

Staff (the skill) is the proficiency in which your character is able to use a staff and
similar weapons in combat. A staff usually consists of a long wooden or metal rod, capable
of dealing blunt damage. There are many variations of staffs such as: Staffs, pikestaffs,
long rods, and bo-staffs to name a few.

Staffs and staves are the favorite weapons of Wizards.

Additionally, all staffs have a parry bonus.

Staff (automatic): increases attack rating while using staves (+potency).

potency – damage/effectiveness



Classes and Levels: ARC(1), CLR(1), EXP(1), FIG(1), MAG(1), ROG(1), TMP(1), AGT(1), BLD(1), RNG(1), WIZ(1), MKT(1), NMR(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), DRN(1), ETH(1), NON(1)

School: Weapon Skill (Skill)

Syntax: automatic

Sword (the skill) is the proficiency in which your character is able to use a sword in
combat. What is a sword? A weapon consisting typically of a long, straight or slightly
curved, pointed blade having one or two cutting edges and set into a hilt. There are many
variations of swords such as: Scimitars, Longswords, Broadswords, Bastard Swords,
Claymores, Katanas, Falchions, Shortswords to name a few.

Sword (automatic): increases attack rating while using swords (+potency).

potency – damage/effectiveness

