State of the Game - July 2017

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State of the Game - July 2017

Post by dayrinni » Thu Jul 20, 2017 8:53 pm


Here is the mid of year State of the Game for A Tempest Season.

Our goal is to bring you and everyone else a very solid game. We are on our path to doing this. Thank you for being patient and dedicated as we do this as a fun hobby rather than a full time job (though, it'd be awesome if we could do that!).

We've made some great strides in 2017 so far and are looking to open by hopefully December of this year. However, if we are not ready (we're getting very close), we will postpone another 6 months. We've introduced Wizards, the final class for the public, tweaked many classes such as the Blood Shaman, Fighters, Rogues, and so on. We've also worked on the design for end game systems such as gear, master specs and the Loric Age System.

We are continuing our show of gratitude to all loyal beta testers with awarding various goodies and unique gifts to them! If you haven't already been in contact with Dayrinni, please get ahold of him. Each gift is varied and tailored to you personally.

Having said that, we still have a few tasks to go!
1. Revamped Tralisia
2. A few missing areas, such as the area between the Basin and Duskhaven
3. Minor fixes and cleanups – lore, help files, and other minor polishing
4. Website improvements
5. Final tweaking of various systems (score affects, newbie area, new inventory system and so on)

I want to talk a bit more about the above list because it is similar to our last post. Basically, the first item, Revamped Tralisia, is the big one here. The current Tralisia was written about 15-16 years ago and its age has definitely showed. So Actinate has taken up the torch to rewrite it and a lot of it is already completed. We also wanted to show the growth of the city by making it larger (previously/currently, it was simply a frontier settlement/small town). Through the past and current RP, the city has grown to be more a driving force in the Empire's dealings, especially from a resource stand point. We need to reflect this. Additionally, we need to make the city more interesting – more districts, more hunting grounds (yes there'll be some in the city!), a sprawling area, all good things to reflect the RP as well as to maintain the player's interest.

Actinate is working predominantly on this. My role is the code aspect mostly, so in the mean time, I've been working on small systems throughout this time where I've been making improvements for longevity in the code and QoL changes for us all. This is why we introduced Wizards as a surprise – we had the time to do it!

Our schedule is very flexible and ever changing, but rest assured, we are working very hard – every day – to get this game ready for the public. I realize one may say we'll never open, but that's not true. With each day that goes by, we are getting closer and reaching our end goal!

We also have experience with running a live game (2002-2005) and know the demands that players put upon the staff and all of this hard work we're doing now will lessen those demands so we can focus on what REALLY is important: RP and providing a great community and environment for all players. Personally, the last thing I want is being forced to fix a system (say, attributes) instead of having a kick ass RP event (like saving Erius from the Abyss! Or Pirates driving the land ship to Tralisia!). Having said all of that, we will still implement systems during the live game: new races, new classes, new event systems, new trade skills and gathering (++++huge!! It's going to be awesome!). All the testing we're doing and all your dedication is directly contributing to the long term health of the game after we open.

Finally, this past July was the 4th year of Open Beta for the game. Because of this, we will be having double experience for an entire week – starting NOW!

Thank you for taking the time in reading this and your continued participation in testing this great game of ours!

* indicates a change requires an upload+copyover.

"You merely adopted the typos! I was born into them."