The New Merchant District FAQ

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The New Merchant District FAQ

Post by Actinate » Fri Jul 10, 2015 4:08 pm

Hey everyone! I've received a few questions about the new merchant district. I'm going to try and answer as many questions as I can here.

1. When is the new merchant district being released?
A: Really soon. I promise. I know that I said soon a long time ago, but there were some problems that needed addressing with the new items. Additionally, we took the time to ensure the new items will be much better than your current ones.

2. Are the costs changing?
A: Yes! All items will be cheaper. Additionally, Day and I will be increasing the damage done by weapons (materials Orinsteel and up).

3. Will I be compensated for items I bought previously?
A: Yeppers! We'll be giving you the difference back in your gold. So, for example, if you paid 10,000 for a sword, but the new sword is 5,000, you'll be receiving 5,000. Additionally, we're still talking about the possibility of offering weapon/armor upgrades for everyone. We are still ironing out the details on that one.

4. What's special about the new items?
A: Most, if not all, of the new items are not just cosmetically more interesting, they are strictly better. Nearly every piece of armor, weapon, or specialized accessory comes with special bonuses. There are NO negative bonuses attached to any of these items. The bonuses have all been tested to ensure they work, so aside from any weird bugs or accidental entries (I'm only human) they should work just fine. If anything turns out to be too powerful, I'll be changing it. Buffs to under-performing bonuses is unlikely. Why you ask? Read on!

5. What if the bonuses on the new armor, weapons ,or accessories are underwhelming?
A: Great question! We are going to be introducing more interesting items in the wild and as quest rewards post new merchant district. Those items will come with bigger bonuses. Additionally, some legendary items are being introduced to the game that will be very powerful. This is top tier gear that is generally more powerful than store bought items. These items will be rare and difficult to get so as not to overpopulate the world with them. Additionally, epic gear will also be introduced and will be unique. IE: not everyone can run around with the Sword of Doom. These will most likely be rewarded to players for very special accomplishments or as storyline quest rewards.

6. Will there be different items for Mages to use as shards, or are shards it?
A: This is a request we receive a lot. Yes, we are adding different types of shard types into the game. Staffs, etc...

7. Will there be new NPC quest lines?
A: Yes! They will also be far less vague.

8. What else is there to expect?
A: Aside from a lot of secrets, it is getting us prepped for a complete cosmetic overhaul of the city. A lot of the areas are over 10 years old and badly need updating. It's a slow process, but we are going to make it happen.

I'm also hoping to have a quest replay feature added to the game with the launch of the new MD. This will be a library that contains information regarding past storyline quests. You can "read about them" or "experience them" in a whole new way. This will allow new players to catch up on lore and old players to revisit lore by allow players role-play options to have "been there" or "read about it." Additionally, the replay quests offer new areas (maps) to explore, treasure to loot, secrets to find, and a difficulty scale. The higher the difficulty, the better the rewards. Again, not sure if this will be out in time for the MD launch. It takes a bit of time to get it right, but it's been really cool to play through them.

Hopefully that answers everything. If there are any other questions. Please let me know :)
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