State of the Game - August 2014

We'll be announcing things about the game and other games here! There will be no in-game announcements in this forum.
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State of the Game - August 2014

Post by dayrinni » Thu Aug 07, 2014 9:07 pm


With the Arcanist coming online in the near future, we wanted to give out a brief description of what's to be coming up! There's a lot of stuff so we're going with a numbered list!

1. Arcanist release. This will need testing, as well as feedback in regards to the manual/help files. In addition, there will be no flavor descriptions for help files or combat yet. If you'd like to write some, let us know. There will be a 100 gp reward per description written.

2. We will be removing the tier points for some of the levels of many abilities. Everyone will get a full refund.

3. We will be implementing a new pre-Newbie Area. Each class will get a few extra rooms explaining how to use their class. We will need testers for this to make it's concise, easy to understand and fun.

4. Many minor updates in regards to lowering the complexity of the base systems for the first 20 levels. For example, the Skills/etc screen will be toned down to be a Simple Mode (with the current screens being in advanced mode). There's a big backlog of small changes that need to go in.

5. We will also begin starting some new RP quests, ran by our newly formed RP Staff. They are ramping up things, and it will take awhile to learn the ropes.

6. We will be working on the Rogue class next, making sure they are better suited to do what they need. Mainly, they'll have skills removed/consolidated and then a few extra things.

7. We're working on making sure that everyone is able to find and purchase the proper equipment to fight higher leveled monsters.

8. Next Classes. We will be implementing the other new classes. The Arcanist was a very different and complex class to program - Act and I really wanted to go in a completely different route with their game play. The other planned classes will not be as complex and will be implemented much faster.

9. Mage Lighting Spells: These are ready to be coded up and should go fairly fast, and will be done soon.

10. Verdandi is working hard on various long term RP plans and correcting/editing/improving some lore pages on the manual. She is the Head RP Admin.

11. In addition, Elric has taken on more responsibilities and will be acting also as a Junior Admin/Designer under my direction. However, his primary responsibility is as a RP Admin.

I think that covers most of what we had planned for this short update. We're making great progress in getting the game ready to be open. We still have more to do but we are making progress each day. Thanks for testing and playing! Due to the length it's taking to get the game ready, we decided to expand our RP staff and have weekly events to keep all of you interested and active.

We'll get there and we'll get there together. When we finally arrive, we'll look upon these days and the time spent as amazing - memories never to be forgotten!

Thanks for playing and reading!
* indicates a change requires an upload+copyover.

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