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Skill Updates: Fighter - Brawler 12/28/2020.

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2020 8:37 pm
by Actinate
Hello everyone!

NOTE: Nothing that's discussed here is live.

Today we are taking a closer look at the Fighter class, specially the Brawler. Fighters are a class that I find myself returning to as I continue developing skills for the other classes. Fighters are the oldest class in the game and surprisingly the most difficult to design skills for. I keep circling back to the question: "how do you make normal attacks relevant, skills fun and interesting to use, and balance both without it becoming chore for me or the players?"


Normal combat are attacks you use with your weapon: slash, slice, cleave, jab, pound, thrust, etc.. At one point, these were the primary methods for dealing damage with skills being secondary. Overtime, we've moved away from that design and tried to incorporate both. Dayrinni and I are both in agreement that the RISK system is out-of-date and needs a redesign from the bottom-up. I have ideas; he has ideas, but unfortunately that type of update is just not in the works at this time, so we need to work with what we have. So, what do?

Most classes--not all classes--utilize the normal combat system. To a degree, that is going to still be the case, but Fighter classes might get a bit more use out of them; though the values will be the same for all classes utilizing these abilities. As of right now, here are the values we are looking at (some values TBD):

*TIER 1 normal attacks (slash-types): 2 second delay, 5-500 damage (values dependent on weapon, strength, and character level), and each attack lowers risk. 0 Stamina is used.
*TIER 2 normal attacks (slice-types): 4 second delay, 10-1,000 damage (values dependent on weapon, strength, and character level), and each attack restores some Stamina (0 risk used).
*TIER 3 normal attacks (cleave-types): 4 second delay, 20-2,000 damage (values dependent on weapon, strength, and character level), and each attack costs risk and stamina.

Most skill cooldowns are designed as if TIER 2 normal attacks are being utilized. For example: A skill that deals 2,000 damage might have an 8 second cooldown (as if you attacked twice with a TIER 2 attack). This allows for TIER 3 attacks to remain relevant; they will do
40-4,000 damage in 8 seconds vs. the skill that did 20-2,000 damage in roughly the same amount of time, but if you are a class that utilizes normal combat (TIER 1, 2, and 3 attacks), you won't really need to think too much about this because some of the designs are integrating your skills into combat differently, so that you can still utilize these types of attacks without worrying about the order in which you need to use your skills.

We'll talk more about this at a later date. I know some of you probably have some additional questions and maybe some concerns. I totally get that, but I am hoping you'll wait to see how everything comes together. In other words, try not to think too much about it at this point. I only bring it up, so you'll have a baseline understanding of some of the following skills' values.


As a quick reminder, none of these values are final and are subject to change. I was up last night working on this for y'all when I came up with a different way to handle a few things, so some stuff is getting shifted around still. Additionally, not all values are included (like risk bonuses and penalties, stamina costs, etc..).

You'll also note that some of your abilities require you to actually be hit in order to proc, that is by design. Brawlers get into the fray and like to fight. There are some really interesting interactions with fighting multiple opponents. Additionally, the Brawler's combat skills, when executed, will lower your risk, which should encourage you to use TIER 3 normal attacks more often than TIER 1 and TIER 2.

Brawl (automatic - level 1): You get rowdy and start punching and kicking your opponent(s).

Brawl executes at the beginning of combat with a 0 second player delay but a 2 second window before applying its DoT effect. The DoT effect has a 0 second player delay and a 2 second cooldown between pulses. The duration of the DoT effect is 60 seconds and requires you to be in the room with your target. Brawl’s damage ranges between 5-500 per pulse and is determined by your strength and character level.

While Brawl is active, there is a ?% chance of delivering a headbutt every ?? seconds. Headbutt’s damage ranges between 10-1,000 per hit--determined by your strength and character level--and has a 25% chance of knocking your opponent down.

Brawl includes some special abilities with their own help files that do not appear on your skill command screen and cannot be trained: Adrenaline Rush, Counterpunch, Haymaker, Provoke, Pulverize, and Stomp. When certain combat conditions are met, these abilities will automatically execute.

Syntax: N/A
Damage formula: Strength*3+(character level*2)
Trainable: NO

Unfortunately, there is not much information about this next skill. I haven't been happy with the values, yet compared to some other class abilities. When this skill is finished, it will allow you to tank more effectively. The more times you're hit, the more damage you can take, and the more damage you do.

Adrenaline Rush (passive - level ?): You live for this shit.

Each time you are hit, your strength, constitution, and damage resistance up to a maximum amount for 60 seconds.

**SPECIAL NOTE: Values are still being tested.

Syntax: N/A
Formula: N/A
Trainable: NO

Counterpunch (automatic - level ?): When struck by an attack, you counterattack with a punch.

Counterpunch has a 0 second delay with a 2 second cooldown between counterpunches. It automatically executes when you are struck by an attack, and its damage ranges between 5-500 per hit, which is determined by your strength and character level.

Syntax: N/A
Damage formula: Strength*3+(character level*2)
Trainable: NO

Haymaker (automatic - level ?): When an enemy attacks you and misses, you counterattack with a powerful haymaker.

Haymaker has a 0 second delay with an 8 second cooldown. It automatically executes when an enemy attacks you and misses, and its damage ranges between 20-2,000 per hit, which is determined by your strength and character level.

Syntax: N/A
Damage formula: TBD - Values and cooldown still in testing.
Trainable: NO

Provoke (active - level): You annoy an enemy into targeting you.

Provoke has a 0 second delay and a 0 second cooldown.

NOTE: This skill helps you tank.

Syntax: provoke <target>
Damage formula: N/A
Trainable: NO

Pulverize (reactive - level 5): When an opponent’s HP falls below 20%, you deliver a flurry of devastating blows that rip through your target’s flesh and render their bones to powder.

Pulverize has a 6 second delay with a 6 second cooldown. When executed, it instantly kills an opponent.

**SPECIAL NOTE: Pulverize’s estimated damage value is between 30-3,000, which is enough to kill an opponent with 20% of their HP remaining.

Syntax: pulverize <target>
Damage formula: INSTANT KILL
Trainable: NO

Stomp (automatic - level): Kick ‘em when they’re down!

Stomp has a 0 second delay with a 16 second cooldown and automatically executes when an opponent is prone. Stomp’s damage ranges between 40-4,000 damage per hit and is determined by your strength and character level.

Syntax: N/A
Damage formula: TBD
Trainable: NO

Axe Throwing (active - level ??): As it turns out, chucking an axe at someone’s face is a very effective way to kill them.

Axe Throwing has a 2 second delay with a 8 second cooldown. Damage ranges between 10-1000 per hit and is determined by your dexterity. At max level, Axe Throwing has an 8 second cooldown and deals 20-2000 damage.

A throwing axe item is required to use this skill and--unless broken--is automatically retrieved upon the skill’s execution--you do not need to find, pick-up, or equip your axe after throwing it.

Throwing axes do not use a Primary or Secondary wear slot and do not require or use the Axe skill.

Axe Throwing is considered a long range attack.

*SPECIAL NOTE: Damage formula is still being determined. Haven’t quite found that sweet spot, yet, but this skill is very cool.

Syntax: axe throwing <target>
Damage formula: Dexterity*10
Trainable: YES
Item required: YES

Juggernaut (passive - level 100): You are an unstoppable force.

Each time Juggernaut is trained, you gain +5% attack, +5% defense, +1 strength, +1 dexterity, +X or plus X% to your base damage (if %, up to 100%), and +5% knockdown resistance. Knockdown resistance caps at 100%.

*SPECIAL NOTE: A lot of players have stated they don't feel like their power level increases post-level 100. Many have stated that there is little difference between them and a fresh level 100 character; this will help widen that gap as well as help you tackle group NPCs and NPCs past level 100. Strength and Dexterity will increase over the 100 soft cap.

An additional note on the base damage vs. percent damage increase. We are discussing making NPCs past level 100 with significantly higher HP and rewards (further widening the gap between an veteran player and a new player). If we decide to do this, we will double your damage at level 10 Juggernaut, so that your damage scaling remains on par with level 100+ NPCs. If this decision is made, it will be applied to every class, not just Fighters.

Syntax: N/A
Damage formula: N/A
Trainable: YES

Shoulder Charge (active - level ??): You ram into your opponent dealing damage and knocking them to the ground, leaving them momentarily stunned.

Shoulder Charge has a 4 second delay with an 120 second cooldown and a knockdown chance of 10%. Enemies are stunned for 6 seconds. Damage ranges between 5-500 per hit and is determined by your agility and character level. At max level, Shoulder Charge has a 2 second delay and 60 second cooldown. Its damage ranges from 10-1000 per hit. It has a knockdown chance of 100% and enemies are stunned for 12 seconds.

Shoulder Charge can only be used once per combat.

*SPECIAL NOTE: Stun is a very powerful mechanic. If combat against solo mobs lasts roughly 10 seconds, Shoulder Charge is designed to win a fight 1 in every 6 battles at max level. Shoulder Charge is designed to be used once per combat just in case you’re fighting something that takes longer than 60 seconds. Bosses and powerful NPCs may be immune or resistant to stun effects.

**This skill has gone through several variations. It is VERY likely to change again based on test results. I want this skill to work, and it is going to be in the final version, but I don't want it to be janky or OP. The original concept will be imagined: you slam into someone, it damages them, you knock them down, and they are stunned.

Syntax: shoulder charge <target>
Damage formula: TBD
Trainable: YES

Tenderize(active - level ??): You deliver a series of brutal blows to your opponent’s weak points. Gotta soften up the meat!

I have no values on Tenderize at this time. I'm still testing this to make sure it works as I want it to. This can be a solo skill, but it will be better utilized for groups. The idea will be that you pummel on your opponent and apply a stacking debuff on them that makes them take more damage when struck. The debuff will be significant enough to ensure your teammates not only make up for the damage you are not doing, but exceed it.

Brute Force

This skill hasn't been programmed, yet. It's still in discussion between Day and I, and it may not make the first round of new skills. It will be a generic fighter skill that allows you to break rusted locks or low level locks.


This skill was removed awhile back for being too strong, but I think we've sort of come full circle and I would like to incorporate this back into the game. It was really neat, and I was sad to see it go, but I understand why it was initially removed. Fix allows a Fighter or Agent (Agents will have access to this skill as well) to repair armor and weapons if they have a repair kit.

Second Wind

A generic skill for Fighters that helps with tanking. When your HP falls under a certain percentage, you automatically heal your HP and STAM back to full. This will save you if your group's healer misses a beat, or if you just get beat down in combat normally. Due to its power, it will have a longer than usual cooldown, but I am considering some ways to lower it.

There are a few other attack skills and group combat skills I've left out for now. 'll have another update on Brawlers later in the week as well as an update on the more defensive-style Fighter (Trained). On Friday, I will give an update on Rogues or Agents.

I hope this has been informative and has you excited about some of the upcoming changes. In testing, these skills have been really cool. Axe Throwing has been my personal favorite.
