
Check here for the most recent updates and changes to the game!
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Post by dayrinni » Thu Nov 29, 2018 12:59 am

-Fixed a crash.
-Fixed an issue in GroupNotSelf not properly honoring groups.*
-Dragon stuff.
-The ownership and whatnot of APPLY_AFFECTS should be more correct. This means things like messaging will make more sense, ie: Zelroth's Instill Darkness will not be credit to him on the messages and stuff. This has a lot of potential of various changes, so please report anything funny with things UNDER 'aff Procs'.
-You should be able to train the Dragon spec skills at Norcul.
-The Resistance Rune now has the proper train level names.
-Diffusing runes now destroys them.
-Toggling abilities on/off will no longer gain uses for them.
-Elegant Massacre no longer applies its hindrance buff to your enemies. I'm not sure how this was set but....I'll just blame Actinate!!!!! :twisted:
-Group Say is now OOC.
-Group Say is also now known as Group Chat. You can still use gsay for now.
-You can turn Group Chat off by typing gchat or using the config option CHANNEL_GHCAT.
-When someone has GCHAT off, you get a message.
-Flagged the birdcage in the ant area so it can be picked up.
-Drinking potions with abilities now displays the initial messages.
-Fervor Blade shouldn't reset your virtue during the chain attacks anymore.
-You can buy the magicy Dragon spec now at Norcul!
-The examining an item on another target is less creepy.*
-The config for queue views is now a config...for real.*
-Aeanum Bindings is now engaged NPCs instead of room.
-The Patreon command now gives a hint about facial hair.*
-Fixed an issue with the Patreon command not saving the descriptions of items. You will need to remake them to get the descriptions and I can provide what you wrote if you want to get the same thing back.*
-Changed the 'name' wording to 'keyword' in the Patreon command.*
* indicates a change requires an upload+copyover.

"You merely adopted the typos! I was born into them."