
Check here for the most recent updates and changes to the game!
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Post by dayrinni » Sat Nov 24, 2018 2:21 pm

-Fixed a crash issue with seeing rooms for when rooms do not exist.
-Removed the "'s from the json that the ATS Bot uses, which should hopefully fix the issue of breaking the bot.
-The incorrect amount for depositing gold now uses gold instead of silver.
-Added new restriction activate code to items so its easier to add restrictions without many code updates.
-Added more restriction types for buttons.*
-Push now has a non-default message.
-Made repair work better with inventory slots and #.name convention.
-You can type 0 to leave the deposit gold/silver screens in the bank menu.*
-You can type quit to leave the bank at any time in the bank menu while banking as you use the bank menu while banking.* Hi Ark!
-Added the keyword orinsteel to the orinsteel ore.
-Fixed the timer on the spec screen to say 2 hours instead of 24 (it was changed from 24 hours to 2 for beta).*
-Fixed a typo on the lita and windis portal.
-Decomposition should be fixed.*
-Updated Rinticism messages.
* indicates a change requires an upload+copyover.

"You merely adopted the typos! I was born into them."