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Post by dayrinni » Fri Dec 28, 2012 10:52 am

-Added in the ability editor.
-Abilities now save to the area files.
-Rewrote the way the areas save. The old way was very error prone, sloppy, had performance issues, as well was very hard to add anything new/maintain.
-Added in various commands to create abilities and specializations.
-Added some more statistics.
-You can now view your specializations (type specializations or spec) .
-You can now equip specializations and gain new abilities. (spec equip <spec>)
-You can now remove specializations, which would remove your abilities. (spec remove <spec>)
-In addition, you can view a specific specialization. (spec <spec>
-All of this saves and loads and so on, properly. I'd like to think anythings. :twisted:
-Players now start with a temporary "Test Spec", which gives them a few basic spells to use in combat.
* indicates a change requires an upload+copyover.

"You merely adopted the typos! I was born into them."