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Post by dayrinni » Thu Dec 27, 2012 12:43 pm

-Changed the delay update from 0.5 of a second to 1.0 second.
-Adjusted the base melee combat abilities to use full seconds rather than partials. So cleave went from a 3.5 second delay to a 4.0 second delay.
-Redid the Spells screen - it now organizes the spells by element and then displays all of the proper information in an easy to read format. It also does this in around 80 characters, so it should look nice on most displays.
-Staff can't delete themselves by accident.
-Put in portions of the new specialization system: redid the saving/loading of abilities. Removed the abilities from the classes (they were before, bound tightly to the classes), put in commands to allow for staff to set and remove abilities, put in the framework for the specializations - they are saved, loaded, and can be viewed. I'll be making a post/website page on specializations in the future.
-Added in a specialization editor - this includes creation, editing, viewing, lookup, and basic statistics.
* indicates a change requires an upload+copyover.

"You merely adopted the typos! I was born into them."